Monday, June 3, 2019

Memorial Day

Roy and I put the red flowers on the grave on Sunday
evening.  Adrienne and AJ met us there.  Ila loved walking
on the grave markers.
Yuna, Doyeon, Hyeji and Dojin
sending off balloons to Tom on Memorial Day

 Adrienne and AJ joined us on Monday when we visited my parent's graves and also payed a visit to Roy's dad in Santaquin.   It made for a long day, but it was a great way to spend Memorial Day.

Caitlyn spotted this beautiful Gray Heron on our compost bin in the back yard.  We've never seen such a large bird in our yard before.  He stuck around for several minutes.

Ollie always asks us if we can come to his games.  He takes his sports very seriously!

 We let Caitlyn join us on our date night (baby of the family privilege, I guess).  She ordered gnochi in a pine nut sauce.  We had never eaten in this restaurant at Station Park before.  It was a little expensive but very good.  We also invited her since she won't be able to eat real food for a couple of months after her surgery (which has been delayed until June 25).

We had all the family over for dinner on Sunday evening.  Everyone but Elise's family and Caitlyn, who had left early Sunday morning to travel to Augusta, Georgia all on her own.  She reiterated to me that she is 19 and has already done some traveling on her own and would be fine.  I only worried about her catching the shuttle from Atlanta to Augusta, and once she'd done that I didn't worry any more.  Thankfully, she arrived safely.
It is fun to have everyone around and it's rewarding to see the grandchildren interact and enjoy each other so much.  Even Effie was pointing out "my cousins" in the picture on the end table in the family room.  She stuck around grandma quite a bit.  She pointed to the salt and told me she didn't like it.  Then she asked me what the pepper grinder was.  I told her it was pepper and that it was spicy.  She disagreed with me.  I then showed her the Tajin and told her it was spicy.  I asked her, "Do you want to taste it."  She nodded so I poured a little on the counter.  She scooped a little bit with her fingers and put it in her mouth.  She made quite a face but other than that she didn't complain.

Ila and Ruby
The grandchildren chasing grandpa
Ila's favorite activity, walking over rocks with someone
for support

Greta, Avie and Ila

Roy, Catharine and Ila

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