Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Merry Christmas

Somebody asked me how we were able to reserve Christmas Eve EVERY year for all our children and their families.  They wondered how come we didn't have to share them with the in-laws.  I said that if you offer King Crab and ribs, there is no one that is going to turn that down.  We have fun and fabulous Christmas Eves with the whole family.  The kids were also very excited because it's so fun for them to get together with all their cousins, exchange gifts, and also get a gift from the grandparents (plus they all love crab!).
Elise had a fun idea and had brought some props with her to take pictures of the kids:
 The rest of the pictures must be on Elise's camera.  Unfortunately, we could never get all of us together when it was convenient to do a picture of the whole family.  I'm not sure when we'll get another chance. 

As stated in the previous letter, Elise and Andy arrived a few days before Christmas and the fun and chaos began.  Over the last 10 days we often had all 16 grandchildren present, which meant a total of 30 people.  I probably don't need to state the obvious, but my house at the moment is proof that we had a crowd every day.  Tomorrow I will start putting Christmas away and getting the house in order.  
The day after Christmas we all went down to Santaquin to see Roy's dad.  We met Nan's family there.  Luckily Nan's grandchildren are a little older than ours because it was a bit noisy with all the small children running around.  We waited until all the residents had eaten their evening meal, then we took over the dining room and had pizza and salad.  I think Grandpa loved seeing all the kids.  

Roy plans a lot of fun activities for the kids.  This year, as usual, he took everyone to the Train Shoppe in downtown Salt Lake.  Everyone rode the train and some of the other little rides, and then they went out for lunch at a Chinese Buffet.  Roy told the adults that this restaurant choice was for the kids--and the kids loved it!  Oli and Gunnar said they were in Heaven because they could choose the foods that they loved.  


We celebrated Dojin's birthday last week (as mentioned in the previous newsletter) and Sara put on an elaborate unicorn Birthday Party for Ori this week so that Max and Mav and Bev could come.  There were a lot of children there--she wisely did it at her church building.  All the adults helped the kids make slime.  Unicorn cake and cupcakes were served, as well as pizza.  
I guess I didn't get a picture of Ori, but trust me, she loved it.

Other pictures from Christmas week:


Bevy and Elise
Grandma and Bevy

One evening we went out to look at Christmas lights and ended  with a short walk in Founder's Park.  Mav didn't even wear shoes because we didn't know we were going to get out of the car.
Nick and Sara, Ori, Effie and Avie

Dan and Jieun, Hyeji, Dojin, Doyeon and Yuna

Caitlyn and Elise
Elise and Andy, Max, Mav and Bev

Caitlyn and Doyeon
Another walk another day

 You may not believe it, but Crista was actually able to share a short video on Lighting Your Family, and the kids payed attention.  Gunnar and Hyeji shared how they serve their families.  It's hard, but we are going to try and add a spiritual thought when we get together on Sundays. 

Chaos at the Rasband home

Cousins! Effie, Ori, Oli, Max and Doyeon

 Christmas Morning

Bevy with an Asian pear wrapper on her head

Effie, Sara and Nick (Christmas Eve)


Dan and Jieun (Christmas Eve)

Andy and Elise (Christmas Eve)
I received this picture via text from Dave and Becky--they are serving a
mission from their home.  
Roy, Catharine, Crista and Caitlyn

If you aren't bored of pictures yet, there are a few more.  Mav and Max finally got the opportunity to play in the snow with some of their cousins:
Hyeji and Yuna


Doyeon and Yuna

Max and Mav



Doyeon, Yuna, Caitlyn and Dojin

Andy, Doyeon, Mav, Max

All in all, it was another Merry Christmas.  

Sunday, December 23, 2018

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.  I haven't always thought this way.  In fact, I have been known to be a Christmas Scrooge!  It has always taken me until about Dec. 18 to get into the spirit of Christmas.  I think it is because the expense and the commercialism surrounding Christmas has always bothered me.  I want the season to be about Christ.  I know now that it is up to me whether or not Christ is the center of my Christmas!  I think I have finally learned to just enjoy being with the family and not worrying too much about the rest. 
My mother always taught me to love people more than things.  Whenever anything was broken or ruined in her home, she always just picked it up, threw it away, and said, "It's only a material thing."  Sometimes I knew that her heart was a little bit broken because of a broken item that was special to her, but she never let the person who broke the item know it.  This is one lesson that I have taken with me throughout my life.  I have tried to teach this to my own children.
I have told this story before, but one day the boys had a neighborhood friend over.  They were being a bit clumsy and the friend dropped a plate as he took it out of the cupboard.  I guess I was a little uptight, because I almost reacted contrary to the above mentioned practice.  I almost got angry.  However, just before anything came out of my mouth, Nick said to his friend, "Don't worry, we don't get in trouble for breaking things here."  Thankfully, I was stopped in my tracks.  
So, for the next week I will remember my mother and the charity and pure love that she always shared with those around her.  I will enjoy the chaos and ignore the mess. 
Elise and Andy arrived around midnight Thursday night.  Roy went and got them and I went to bed.  He's very thoughtful of me (he knows I'm nicer with a good night's sleep).
This picture was taken after they had a short night's sleep.  We still had a little
snow in our backyard.  That's exciting to Texas boys.
They keep trying to go outside and play, but, as Max says when he comes
in freezing, "It's Utah."
Mav was awakened from his nap to head
to the airport on Thursday afternoon.  He
was not very happy about it.
Waiting for the airplane (for 3 hours)  Andy was worried they'd be late with all the Texas traffic.

I wasn't invited to the following activity, but the pictures were too cute not to share.  Dan and Jieun had a secret Santa deliver them gifts for several days in a row.  On one of the days, 60 undecorated cookies arrived and so Jieun had all the Davis County cousins come and help decorate (Adrienne graciously offered the use of the Green's home where they are currently residing).




Dojin does not like being corrected
Sara, Effie and Avie
 The first thing Mav asked me when he woke up this morning was, "Where are my cousins?"
Well, Mav.  They don't all live here with us.  However, Ruby and Greta are here from Logan for the weekend, but they were still asleep.

Max loves to gather eggs, even when it's 25 degrees outside.

Mav, Andy and Bevy (she's quiet when she's asleep)
Roy and I took 9 of our grandchildren to the play "Elf" at the Centerpoint Legacy Theater.  I think they all loved it (the rule is that they have to be "3"  Thank goodness!).  Some of them were a little wiggly--it was a pretty long play!  We got a few cute pictures.

Doyeon, Finn and Max

Hyeji, Ori and Yuna (with Finn and Ruby behind)

Oli, Doyeon and Gunnar

Oli, Doyeon and Ruby

Ori, Effie and Hyeji--watching a show

After the play everyone met at our house for pizza.  After pizza
we celebrated Dojin's birthday (it's actually on the 27th).  He loved
being the center of attention--but who doesn't?


Dojin, Crista, Doyeon and Matt playing games
Elise and Mav

Max and Mav ready for church
One hour church today was lovely-especially since we had 5 small children with us. The only problem is that one hour isn't enough to show off my family.
Ruby and Greta also ready for church.  They got these cute dresses
and coats from a secret Santa also.  I'm glad there are people
watching out for my kids.

Ruby, Greta and Beverly (Beverly does not sit still.  It's a miracle we
captured this picture at all).

Cousins, Ruby, Mav, Max and Greta

We didn't go to church with these girls, but they looked adorable in
their Christmas dresses. (Ori, Avie, Effie).
We had the entire family over for puzzles and games tonight.  Tomorrow night will be equally fun and crazy.  Merry Christmas everyone!