Sunday, May 26, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

AJ's grandma, Fae Fridal Francis passed away this past week.  She was 97 years old.  Fae was a friend of my father, as they were both raised in the Tremonton, Utah area.  Back in 2007, just before Adrienne's marriage to AJ, we had a family shower in their honor at Lisa and Mark's home (AJ's parents).  My dad drove over from Salt Lake with a couple of Christine's children in tow.  When he arrived at the shower, I could see that all was not well.  My dad was very listless and obviously didn't feel very well.  I directed him immediately to the food and encouraged him to eat something.  He loaded his plate and sat down and bowed his head.  Lisa saw him and thought he was praying, but when I looked over, I realized he had passed out.  There were several nurses present at the shower--Roy's nephews Shane and Brady (nurse anesthetists), and Adrienne and Dan who had both been trained as CNA's.  I had someone call 911, and the nurses immediately began helping him.  Apparently, my dad had taken his insulin before driving to our home, knowing that he could get something to eat when he arrived, but it was a half hour drive and his blood sugar got too low.  My dad started to revive and was given orange juice, etc. and helped him to a comfortable chair.  He smiled up at everyone and said, "I'm not making a very good impression on Fae."  
We called 911 and told them not to come, but they must've been bored because they showed up anyway.  It was a memorable shower!
Roy and I went to the viewing.  There were See's chocolates strategically placed for all to enjoy.  It was obviously one of her favorites.  There was also a basket of Hostess Twinkies, cupcakes, etc.  She was quite the junk food connoisseur.  It was said of her at the funeral that a rice krispie treat and a milk shake was her idea of a healthy breakfast.  Of course, she was always very thin and it seems could eat anything she wanted without gaining weight.  Caitlyn and I went to the funeral the next morning.  It was a nice memorial for a wonderful lady.  The highlight, however, was when Ila got to sit by Caitlyn and grandma.  She put her face to mine and cuddled for a minute.  It was heaven because she has never given me that kind of attention before. 

Saturday Roy and I planted the garden. We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, basil, various winter and summer squashes, a couple of melons, and planted seeds for beets, onions, and peas.  Luckily we were able to fit in a short nap before heading to the Bee's game with friends.  It was a good game, though the Bees lost, with a fireworks show afterwards.  The rain threatened all evening, but waited to pour down the minute the game was over.  Everyone took cover.  We weren't sure they'd still do fireworks, but soon we heard the booming so took a seat to watch.

Selfies are always so flattering (NOT)

 Dan and his family were able to get down to Santaquin for a visit with grandpa.  He took them out to dinner.  I was quite surprised because he doesn't usually want to leave the care center.

It's great that we can decorate Tom's grave so easily now.  We are planning to decorate his grave this evening. and my parent's graves tomorrow.  Nan Theobald decorated Roy's parents yesterday (I think), so our thoughts went with her for them this year.  We remember our loved ones all the time, so we don't really need a holiday to be reminded.

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