Sunday, July 30, 2017

A weekend in Flaming Gorge, a birthday party, and other summer stuff.

On the way to Flaming Gorge
Doyeon, Yuna, Ori and Hyeji.  Those are kiddie cones!

Setting up camp with Effie and Dojin

For the 24th of July holiday, we spent a great weekend in Flaming Gorge.  Our family is getting so big we can't fit everyone on the boat at the same time, so we decided to divide and conquer.  We  invited Nick and Dan and their families to join us.  We'll take Adrienne and Crista and their families in a couple of weeks.  We left Friday morning and stayed through Monday night. 
We had a great time, and the kids were in heaven.  They loved the campfire, sleeping in tents, and everything that goes along with camping in Flaming Gorge.   However, some of the parents had a couple of hard nights with babies and didn't get much sleep.  By the third and last night everyone slept pretty well. 
Church in Dutch John is always entertaining.  We got there early and got seats up front (which is a big deal when there are only about 30 of them).  When Jieun took the baby out, she said there were so many people that they were even sitting on the floor.  In the afternoon, Sara, Dan and Jieun took all the kids to Vernal to see some dinosaurs.  Nick took a much needed nap in the tent, and Roy, Caitlyn and I napped in the trailer.  Jennie joined us by dinner time on Sunday evening.  She stayed behind for work, and also because she really wanted to go to Jacob's homecoming.

Monday we packed up camp before we went boating.  We didn't get on the lake until nearly 11.  After Nick, Dan, Crista and Jennie all wake boarded, we blew up the tube and had lunch.  After a quick swim, it started raining (and hailing).  We huddled in the boat and Roy drove around looking for possible breaks in the weather.  It was worse by the dock, so we headed the other way.  We were cold for about 30 minutes, and then the sun came out.  By then most everyone had taken their boats off the water, so the lake was glassy and smooth.  The kids tubed for another hour or so, then we took the boat off the lake and headed home.  We didn't get home until 10:30. 
This past week was fun, too.  Friday night the chef from Mountain Land came and cooked a dinner for 10 in our home (a thank you for our appliance purchases).  She made halibut in our steam oven, steamed it with lemon and dill and that was it.  It was to die for.  She also made a risotto with mushrooms and asparagus, which was as delicious as it was fattening.  For dessert we had a peach and raspberry gallette (a sort of pie).  We also had an appetizer and salad.  It was all excellent.  The best thing about the evening was that though I invited my kids, I didn't invite their children.  Now, don't get me wrong, I adore my grandchildren, but it was amazing to be able to sit and visit with my kids for one evening without distractions.  Sadly, I could only have 10 guests, so Jennie and Cait had to sit out.  However, Caitlyn had to work, and Jennie babysat for Dan, so it all worked out.  

We've celebrated a lot of birthdays this week--  My brother, Dave's on the 27th.  (I called him on the 28th), and Nick's and Effie's on the 29th, and my dad's today, July 30.  We were invited to Nick's and Effie's party on Saturday.  It was a great afternoon with a pinata, and gifts and cake.  Sara had made a delicious chocolate cake with cream cheese peanut butter frosting.  I've never had anything like it (Roy and I will start our diet on Aug. 1--we need it after a summer of treats nearly every day).  

1 year-old

Yuna and Ori looking at Nick's bunnies
Roy eating cake and holding Finn.  We found out
Finn is allergic to bunnies :{

5 candles, 36 years old

A real bat for the pinata??? Nick didn't want anyone to get hurt
so he took the first swing and emptied out the pinata.
The kids all wanted a turn to hit it anyway.
Ruby had fun with grandma and grandpa this weekend.  She, Greta and Crista and Matt stayed overnight Friday so they could have dinner with us, and go to the birthday party.  Grandma and grandpa had fun with Ruby and Greta, too.
Ruby loves "Sofia the First"

Tonight is quiet (we didn't have our kids for dinner because we were together yesterday and Friday).  I had to make another dessert as it's our turn to provide treats for ward prayer (single's ward).  I made Banana Cake with cream cheese frosting out of Charlotte's cookbook.  I didn't do it, but I wondered if  adding chocolate chips would add or detract.  

Of course, we didn't spend any time with Elise and family this week, but we spent a little time on the phone, and she sent pictures.  They finally got Max home from grandma camp (he was gone 2 weeks), and they're very happy to have him back-- Maverick was especially happy.  We miss them but we're looking forward to seeing them in November when their baby girl is born.  
Max at grandma Jackson's house

I think this is Maverick
I think this is Maverick, too.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Today I taught the lesson in Relief Society.  It is true that the teacher learns the most out of lesson because she's had the time to read, ponder and pray about the message.  The lesson in the manual was excellent and I hope I conveyed at least part of what was intended.  While planning the lesson I was reminded that I can do more.  I had two women in our ward share what the service they do has done for them.   One of the women has a day each month where she opens her home for "Days for Girls" where women come together to make feminine hygiene kits for girls around the world where these items are not readily available.  They have to be washable so they can be reused.  We take so much for granted here.  She spoke on how she schedules her service so that it is something she can do without thinking about it.  The other sister has a calling.  She's the ward "Refugee specialist."  She spoke about how she was inspired at conference (the one where the General Relief Society Presidency spoke on helping the refugees), to get involved.  She has worked for a year with a refugee family that has six children.  She said it has been really hard, and there were times where she thought she couldn't do it anymore, but she said, she has seen blessings, one of which is that she now knows she has the ability to love all of Heavenly Father's children.  I emphasized that there is a time and a season for everything, that not everyone is in a position to take on that kind of service responsibility, but if we are listening we can feel the promptings that the Lord gives to us for acts of service, however small. 

I always admire women like these two sisters who make such an effort to make service a part of their lives.  I am always glad that the church has service built into it--you serve in your calling, you fulfill assignments, you reach out to your neighbor, etc. 

Family also gives us lots of natural opportunities to serve.  I was able to serve a little myself this past week as I helped out with Adrienne's boys while she was in Europe (I didn't help nearly as much as the Green grandparents, but, nevertheless, I helped out quite a bit).   I think that the boys were totally spoiled by us-(and even more-so by the Greens)

Making playdough
Singing with grandma

mom and dad are nearly home

Gunnar got all the way to the top

I also had opportunity to spend a short while on Saturday morning enjoying Nick's girls while he and Sara and Roy went on a bike ride.  I told Nick that Ori is no ordinary little girl.  She used the word, "hilarious," to describe Jennie, and she asked me "Can I play with the 'kinetic sand' grandma?  She has an amazing vocabulary for a 3 year old.  
Effie's crawling.  Her glasses have helped her
in her progression.  She's such a sweetheart.

Whether it's service to family or to those around us, we usually find that through our service, we are the ones that are blessed. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July.
We had a fun 4th that included skating with Caitlyn,  swimming and watching our grandchildren swim at the Green's, a wonderful BBQ, and then fireworks (courtesy of Mark Green-again).  Gunnar told us, "This is the best day of the year! The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday!"  And we could certainly see why, as he helped his dad light each firework for a fabulous display. 

Finn and Adrienne
Caitlyn, Jieun, Dojin

Adrienne and Finn

Cait and Dojin
Ollie and AJ

The Green's really know how to spoil their grandkids

Gunnar started off the fireworks by leading the group in the
Pledge of Allegiance.  

We also celebrated Sarah Christensen's upcoming wedding when we hosted a shower for her and Paul.  It was a fun shower for several reasons.  Mainly because we got to see lots of family, and husbands and families were invited.  Nan made delicious BBQ pork, and provided the buns and some gluten free items, and I made some salads and desserts.  Char brought a salad also, and Jieun brought fruit, so we had an excellent meal.   I did make one horrible mistake in my efforts to provide a little entertainment to the children-- Roy and I went to the local Farmer's Market on Thursday and there was a little girl selling a "Gak" like product.  The mother told me it wouldn't be messy, "it won't even stick in the carpet--as long as you get it up quickly."  Luckily, I wasn't dumb enough to try out that theory, but I gave the kids (all my own grandchildren) the goo and they went outside to play with it.  Guess what--it was messy.  Very, very messy.  I had to take a scraper out the next morning, sit on the ground in 90 + degree heat, and scrape goo off the back steps, the driveway, and even some of our rocks.  There was plenty of it in the dirt, too, but that came up easily (coated with dirt, of course). 
Oh well, the joys of being a mom and grandma.  I'm sure it's not the worst mess I've ever cleaned up.

Front: Kenzie, Tristan, Jieun, Jennie, Yuna
Back: Spencer, Olivia, Peter, Cameron, Charlotte.
John, Sarah, Paul, Greta and Matt

Bruce, Nan, Violet, Kenzie, Tristan (Spencer and Olivia in back)

Phil and Steve

Roy, Catharine and Ruby


Nan brought some various discs of photos for Dave, Phil, Christine and I.  She gave me one labeled, Philip and Catharine.  I picked out a few pictures of when I was small.  

This picture is of me and my duck.  Apparently it adopted me and followed me everywhere.  I'm not sure why my parents decided to take the duck to my cousins house to live, but they had horses, and my duck met it's demise when it was stepped on by one of those horses.

(It's also amazing how far photography has come since then!)

Roy and I enjoyed an hour walk on Saturday morning, an hour or so of work in the yard (I did goo clean-up, and Roy worked on adding sprinklers to our garden).  We had a nice rest, and then did a little shopping at Harmon's (believe it or not, we think it's a fun date to go to Harmon's together).  It's a little on the expensive side (except for the Jicama is cheaper than anywhere), and they have gelato!

Saturday night also offered us the opportunity to attend a Dirty Pinewood Derby with the Elder's Quorum in the Young Single Adults Ward.  Dirty means no rules.  It was fun.  There were cars with balloons tied to them so they could get the "tallest car" award.  With the drag, however, they didn't go down the track very fast.  There were a couple of cars with barbie dolls attached for the ride.  There some fun, creative cars.  We had a good time.

We settled down for bed at around 11:00, and then Roy went down to check on Caitlyn, because she was coughing so hard.  He decided he was going to take her to the ER and have her checked out.  She has bronchitis, which is horrible, and it will mean she'll have to skip or go late to girls camp.  I'm afraid she's not too disappointed.  They got home around 1, but Roy didn't come to bed until about 1:40.   I think he went up to his office to work.
Caitlyn and I played, "How Great Thou Art" today in our ward sacrament meeting.  We've now played it several times.  We played it in our old ward and in Roy's single's ward, Crista played it with me in her ward in Logan, and Adrienne played it with Caitlyn in her ward.  Dan played it with Caitlyn is his ward, also.  Jieun has played it every time.  I think she probably has it down by now.  Next time we get asked to play, we'll have to come up with something else :)

We had a busy Sunday with church (Roy went to 3 Sacrament meetings: Ours to hear us play, his, and then a missionary farewell in our old ward).  We had Home Teachers and Ward Prayer, then we went to congratulate the missionary and give him a card.  It was on the late side when we got home, so we read my dad's book together and went to bed.