Sunday, June 9, 2019

Slow week for me

This was a slow week as far as family news goes.  At least, I don't feel like I did very much (I did have a fun fall on my ice skates on Monday--right on my tailbone.  It really hurt but I was fine by Wednesday).  Roy was out of town on business, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  He was in Chicago.  Usually all he does when he's on work trips is work, but this trip he decided to go watch the Chicago Cubs.  He said there were something like 36,000 people there.  Parking was anywhere from $40 to $100.  We are lucky to live in Utah.  

Roy watching the baseball game
As I said, nothing much happened in my life, but I received some cute pictures from others in the family.   

 Dojin's artistry kept him occupied for hours.  I said that I hoped when he ran out of room he wouldn't make the wall his next canvas--so she sent me another picture:
Then she admitted that he had originally started on the wall.

Caitlyn's had a busier week.  She flew to Georgia to help Elise get situated in her new home.  They did have one day to go sight see a little bit.  In the pictures below, they are taken at the Savannah Rapids.

 Dan went hiking with his kids--all four of them--without Jieun.  He survived with only kneeing one child (Yuna).  Dojin took care of injuring himself by falling onto a branch.  I guess he scratched his back up pretty well.

For some reason, unknown to me, Dan has been interested in mushrooms lately--and there are a lot of them this year with all the rain (Dan--what is a slime mold?)  He asked for pictures and Jennie sent him this one--labeling it "fungi"  I thought she was really rude to call her boyfriend that, until she explained to her slightly slow parents that she was really saying "fun guy."

It's been a little bit of a hard week as I've painfully realized that I have some things I need to work on, and a few areas where I need to repent.  I guess that's an ongoing thing for all of us in this mortal existence.

Next week should offer more in the way of interesting news as Roy and I leave for Trek tomorrow morning.  I'm sure I've mentioned that when Roy found out I was going on Trek, he immediately volunteered his services and was put on the logistics committee.  My responsibilities are considerably less than his--I'm a trail walker and, along with my presidency and the Young Men leaders, am in charge of running some games--which have been pre-planned by someone else.  Roy, on the other hand is hauling bags, handling radios, and is generally helping wherever needed.  He'll be super busy.  We get back Wednesday night and he leaves the next morning on another business trip and won't be back until Saturday-late morning.   Coming up we still have Caitlyn's surgery to look forward to, as well as Jennie's wisdom teeth removal.  These, along with all our church responsibilities, are thwarting most of our summer camping trips this year.
I hope the next letter will be more exciting and I'll have some interesting things to share. 

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