Sunday, April 28, 2019

Easter plus another week

 Easter is my favorite holiday.  It's a time to think about the Savior and everything that He has done for us, and not have all the distractions of  presents, parties, programs, etc.  It is also the most important holiday to me for many reasons, but especially for the reminder that death is not the end and we can see those loved ones again that have gone on before us.  I loved the Easter lesson and the reading suggestions in the Come Follow Me program this past week.  I felt closer to the Savior as I read the scriptures and watched the videos. 
While we don't have too many "trappings" at Easter, we still love to have the family over and to have an Easter Egg hunt for all the grandchildren.  I've made it easy on myself by having everyone bring enough eggs for their own children, and then having Caitlyn and Jennie hide them.  Unfortunately, the yard was too wet this year to have our hunt outside, so we put all the kids in one room while the eggs were distributed.  Then, of course, they found them all within minutes!

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Caitlyn and Dojin

 After the hunt was over, the weather cleared up just enough for the kids to get out and play.

 Mav, Max and Bev had their own Easter in Texas.  Georgia isn't any closer, but it will be fun to visit them there as it's kind of by our old stomping grounds.

Bev's growing up fast

Just before Easter I had the opportunity to watch Nick's kids.  Sara had a doctor's appointment, and Nick had a scout camp out.  Effie got hold of my phone.  She obviously knows how to work the camera.  I had to delete about 20 pictures of my ceiling and the back of Avie's head, but she did get one of herself.

Avie was sweet, but had to be held the whole time.  Hopefully this stage
won't last long because it makes it hard to play with Ori and Effie.

Ori, Effie and Avie in their Easter dresses.
 Ori brought some bubble gum and asked me why her name was on it.  The word that was on it was "Original."  But the first three letters definitely spell Ori.

 Roy and I also had the "opportunity" to spend a few days with Dan's kids.  He had a mandatory, on-site meeting at Berkeley with his fellow classmates.  Jieun was able to escape with him.  The kids were actually very good.  It was a chance to develop a closer relationship with Dojin.  The first night he thought his place was right between grandpa and grandma.  Roy tried to switch him to the outside of the bed so he could be by me, but Dojin was not going to let that happen.
He took a nap each of the 4 days.  I was not expecting this, so it was
really nice!

 We finally found a good place for him to sleep (see below).  We thought we had it all figured out because by the last night, he was putting himself to bed in this spot.  However, when we awoke the next morning, he was not in this bed, but was downstairs sleeping with his sister, Doyeon.  I guess we didn't have it figured out after all.
He was mostly asleep in this picture, but when we started taking pictures
with the flash, he couldn't resist smiling.
 We took them to Sizzler before we took them home on Wednesday night to put them in their own beds to wait for mom and dad.  They ate well, especially the watermelon.

Dojin, winking back at grandma
 Jieun painted these murals for Mountain Man Days at her kids school.  I told her I hope the school uses them for years to come.  What a lot of work!

We went to Ollie and Finn's baseball games on Friday night before Roy left on a camp out with his priests.  He didn't leave until 9:15 or so, because a lot of his priests had work or other activities, so he waited for them so they could drive up together.  They all complained they had no money, so Roy put them to work when they got home on Saturday so they could earn a little bit.  He was able to get our cars washed, waxed and detailed, and extend our drip system to some new plants.

Roy on left with another leader.  Our bishop worked very hard to get Roy
released from his YSA calling so he could have someone who was willing
to go camping with the boys.

 After the camp out, Saturday's chores and a short rest, we headed to Logan to eat dinner with Crista and Matt, then watch Caitlyn's ice show.  Caitlyn ate with us, but left before we took the picture.

 Greta and Ruby loved the ice show.  We left at intermission so we wouldn't get home too late.

Caitlyn choreographed this number for the Utah State Figure Skating Team.  She also coaches the team (volunteer).  The number was really cute, but of course we focused on the star of the show!

Dan and Jieun needed my help to take the girls while they
took Dojin to get a couple of stitches after he fell and
hit his head at a neighbor's fireplace.  I was in Logan, so
they had to find alternate care.  I told them I was super glad it
didn't happen on my watch.

Avie, enjoying a chicken nugget with her 4 teeth.

Ori, Effie, and Avie visiting great grandpa Rasband

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Picture Essay (2 weeks)

Mav.  Napping when Elise probably doesn't
want him to.
Hyeji celebrated birthday # 9.  I made her this pillow and took her to
lunch at Tony Burgers.  She loves vegetables, but she
will occasionally eat hamburgers.

Adrienne made 4 cakes.  This oreo cake was for Finn's 4th birthday.
Ila had her "smash cake,"  There was also a carmel/ganache/coconut
concoction cake (I'm not sure what it was really called), and a
gluten free cake, recipe courtesy of Charlotte.
(AJ's sister Emmie has recently been diagnosed with celiac).

Dojin liked Hyeji's birthday present, too.  It's minky
on the back--nice and soft.

After our lunch, Jennie did Hyeji's nails for her
It was Ila's birthday this month also.  Her first
birthday (April 10).  We celebrated at Adrienne's new
house.  Her smash cake was a little too beautiful to smash.
She was also a little overwhelmed when all her brothers were
circling her, chanting, "Smash it, smash it..."

Ruby and Greta loved Adrienne's new house.  They were
dancing on this porch.


Conference Saturday.  We had the family over and ate waffles.

Also Conference Saturday (Jennie and Jordan)

We're still hoping Ila will warm up to us.  She's been a real
mommy's (and daddy's) girl.

 Monday night we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at Centerville Park put on by  Century 21 (we know one of the agents and received an invitation).  It was crowded, but the kids had a ball.

Yuna, Doyeon, Dojin and the Easter Bunny

Grandpa with Ila, Oli and Yuna
Grandma with Ila and Effie

Group picture

Crista looked at the group pictures and zoomed in on them--then sent out some pictures showing the funny expressions of several in the group picture

Nick and Sara joined Crista at Baby Animal Days in Logan:

I guess Avie did not like the bunny
Sara didn't give me the picture of Nick when the handler put a snake around his neck.  They all got a little panicked when the snake started constricting.  It seemed the handler didn't have much experience.  Needless to say, Nick said, "NEVER AGAIN!"

Ori, Greta, Effie and Ruby

As Stake YW President, I think my main job is to
provide refreshments for the activities and firesides.   

Dojin and Dan--It think this was a "forced" nap

Roy attended a ballet recital for Hyeji.  I couldn't go because I was in a
 "Tsunami Fitness" certification class all day.  I am
now certified to teach exercises on a board that is
larger, but somewhat similar to a paddle board.  It is
tethered to the lane lines with one cord in front, and one behind.
It's all about balance.  I actually spent quite a bit of time falling
in to the pool and climbing back up on the board.

Dan's family with Roy after the recital

Caitlyn had a skating test in Provo.  She suggested meeting up with these cute cousins, Jacob Bingham, left, and Jason Cook, right.  We had pizza and a great time.

Ori came in yelling, "Mom, Effie has a mud mask."

3 Happy girls

Saturday night we spent with Nick and Sara at the YM/YW Fundraiser (that Roy started in the Bountiful 41st ward years ago).  This time Sara was in charge.  It was so busy for her that Nick said he should be mad at Roy for starting it.  It makes a lot of money for the youth, so it's probably worth it.  We came home about $450 poorer (someone auctioned off a condo in Puerto Vallarta for 7 nights!!!--we think we got a pretty good deal).  Roy took some pictures of the event because they had decorated really well, and he wanted to show his current young men's group, but he didn't get any pictures of the real reason we went--Ori, Effie and Avie.  We enjoyed being with them for the evening.