Sunday, February 24, 2019


It seems difficult to put together a newsletter after taking a couple of weeks off.  There are reasons.  1) a lot has happened and I have to remember what there is to write about,
2) I have gotten lazy after not having to do this for 3 weeks,
3) As is somewhat usual after vacation, I came home and found myself sick with a bad cold this weekend.
So here is my attempt to put something together to mark the last 3 weeks of life in our family.

Roy and I flew to Cancun on Friday, February 8.  This was a couple of days before Yuna's birthday.  I made sure to give her a little attention before we left and took her to choose a gift from Target.  Dan and Jieun, you should thank me--I buy your kids toy pets for their birthday so you don't have to get them the real thing!  I also found this picture in my messages on the day we flew out:
Yuna watching TV

I responded to this picture that this reminded me of myself when I was young (believe me, I don't do this anymore).  I could never just sit there--I had to be upside down or at least have my legs in the air.

We spent 10 days in 80 + degree weather, which was incredibly wonderful--even though it poured rain on one of the days.  There were only about 3 days where the wind was calm enough for me to paddle board (Roy kayaked--it's easier), and for both of us to sail.  We snorkeled by paying a small amount of money to be boated out to a reef, which is apparently a national  park in Mexico.  We saw many more fish than we saw when we paid a lot more (last year) to go out on a catamaran that we signed up with through the resort.  We also saw turtles and eagle rays.  
This was one of the most relaxing vacations ever--we had 5 massages in 10 days because we found a couple of inexpensive places on the beach.  We swam in the pool nearly every day and of course, we ate--too much.  We've never really participated in resort activities, but this time we found ourselves playing volleyball, taking dance lessons, and doing water aerobics.  We also spent a day away from the resort in XCaret.  

Our favorite restaurant there was The Barcelona--it was
a buffet with plenty of fresh vegetable salads, papaya, pineapple
and other delicious fruits.  They also
had plenty of meat to keep Roy happy
Unfortunately, their breads and desserts were also delicious.

When asked if we were celebrating anything, Roy said, "Well, it was
my wife's birthday Saturday.  I guess they just heard "Saturday" because
my room was decorated and we received champagne, fruit and a slice of cake.
Don't worry, we didn't drink the champagne.

Our next favorite restaurant was their French restaurant (Weird to
go to Mexico to eat French food).

Roy at the Lobster House 

At XCaret with Caitlyn's turtle "family"


Practicing Balance moves on the Paddleboard.  I did fine until I
tried to raise the opposite arm, too.  Then I went in.

Roy sailing

Catharine Sailing

 The night we ate at The Grill it was pouring rain.  We were outside with only a partition between us and the rain.  It was great.  This is the video:

The family carried on while we were gone.  There's a lot going on.  Adrienne and AJ are finishing up their home and hoping to move in a few weeks.  Sara had surgery and is recovering.  I was able to have Ori and Effie over for a few hours to help out.  They were darling.  Dan is still working on his schooling at Berkey on line.  I think he has a study trip planned in April.  Caitlyn and Jennie are having fun with dating, and Crista and Matt are waiting to find out the gender of their new baby (due in July). Andy and Elise are also preparing for their move in June.
Pictures from while we were gone:
Yuna had a birthday party

Yuna (5) Hyeji and Ori

Ori lost her first tooth

Avie was very sick
Elise and Andy took their kids to the rodeo

Plus they've been working on home projects to get ready to
sell their home in Houston and move to Augusta in June

We also thought about Thomas on his birthday this week, he'd be 28.  (Grandma Cook's is Tuesday, she'd be 98).
Dan and Jieun went to the grave today.

Dojin, Doyeon, Dan, Yuna and Hyeji


 Greta and Ruby on Valentine's day
Ruby--Look at that pose

Beverly--sick this day but you wouldn't know it
Dojin falling asleep in random places

My friend sent me these two high school pictures.  Time has flown!

Monday, February 4, 2019

San Antonio

Roy  had a NATSAP (National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs) Convention.  He doesn't love to be without me for a whole week, so he arranged for me to accompany him.  We flew into San Antonio on Monday.  Tuesday, Roy drove up to see a client (facility) that was about an hour away from the hotel.  I would have gone with him, but he was going to be in meetings from 9 to 2, so I stayed behind and exercised and read.  His convention started Wednesday and he was on his feet talking about Bluestep from early in the morning until dinnertime, then there were receptions, etc. that he had to be to for networking purposes.  I was able to join him for all the meals (those in charge let me have a badge) and parties in the evening.  In the daytime I just played, read, exercised, etc.  It was nice and relaxing--for me.  For Roy the event was incredibly busy and stressful, but he was able to set up a lot of demos for potential clients.

Roy and Keller 
 Keller is one of Roy's employees.  He's 22, and he was a great asset on the trip.  He had a lot of youthful enthusiasm.  He started scheduling lots of demos for Roy and Roy had to call him and tell him to slow down on the scheduling.  Roy is doing a lot of the demos and other work by himself right now, and he told Keller he didn't want to die from overwork.
During on of the evening entertainments, they had a mechanical bull.  There is no way I would ride one of those.  It turns out they took it very easy on the participants--they knew their audience, I guess.  One of Roy's potential clients said to him, "I'll go if you will," so Roy rode the bull. (see link below)
Roy riding the bull

On on of the afternoons, I drove up to a little po-dunk town called Helotes.  The hotelier told me about it.  It's not really my type of thing--just a lot of boutiques, bakeries, antique stores, etc.  The Floore country store (below) is apparently their claim to fame, but it is only opened on weekends, so that was a bust.  It was quaint and fun to look around, though.

Note the tin rooster.  Pretty red-neck.  I bought
some comfy slippers here.

Charlotte asked me if I looked for her grandson, Grant, while we were in San Antonio.  I didn't look for him because I didn't remember he was there.  I was trying to think if I knew anyone who would be there.  I didn't see any missionaries, but it wouldn't be that weird to run into him--Caitlyn ran into a boy from our previous ward in Ireland last summer.  She only saw him from the bus, but it was enough to call out to him and get his attention.
 Friday afternoon Roy was done with his work, and we were able to play.  We went to downtown San Antonia.  First we watched an IMAX movie about the Alamo.  I didn't know my history well enough to know that pretty much everybody died.  After the movie we went through the building where the Alamo took place.  When it actually occurred, there was no roof.  Later the army bought it and put a roof on.  The next day, at the Briscoe Art Museum (Museum of Western art), we saw a model of the Alamo.  There were so many Spanish soldiers under Santa Anna and only about 130 Texans.  It was obvious they would have had no chance.  It's kind of amazing to me that they didn't surrender.  Our history may have been drastically different had they not delayed Santa Anna for 9 days--as well as killing many of his men.

Saturday--on the river.  It was graduation for many air force cadets
They were everywhere with their families.
Also on the river

We ate at a restaurant--the food was good, but the atmosphere was
shocking.  Next time I'll pay a little more attention to the waiter's T-shirts.

At the Briscoe.  

After we went to the museum, we ate lunch at a small
shopping area a couple of miles from downtown.  They had a Farmer's
Market going and we got in on the last 1/2 hour before they closed
(at 1:00--early, I thought) 
We haven't had the family over since Christmas week, so we invited everyone for dinner (at least those close enough to come).  Dan's family was sick, but Hyeji came, and all the other Utah families.  We celebrated February birthdays.  Mine, Greta's, and Yuna's (but Yuna didn't come).  Roy cooked Salmon and french fries, and everyone else brought sides. Adrienne made a beautiful coconut key lime cake, and Crista brought funfetti cupcakes for the kids (and some adults).

Greta--not in the best mood for a birthday celebration

Coconut Key Lime Cake by Adrienne
There were 4 candles--1 for every decade.
All the grand children that were present except for Ila
and Avie.
From left: Rubie, Effie, Oli, Ori, Hyeji, Gunnar, Greta and Finn
 All in all, a very good week.  There will be no newsletter next Sunday--I'll be out of town, so look for one in a couple of weeks.  Love you all!