Sunday, March 1, 2020

Augusta, Georgia with the Jackson Family

I needed to get to Georgia to visit Elise, so I took my opportunity when Caitlyn was on Spring Break (so I wouldn't have to go alone).  She brought masks home from the doctor's office so we'd be armed against all the infections that are going around  Honestly, no one on our first flight was wearing them, and only a few on our 2nd flight.  I didn't even hear much coughing.  I also read in an article Nan sent around, that the sick should wear them--not the healthy--however, we can't control anyone else.  I wore mine the first flight mostly because I was asleep and it kept people from seeing that my mouth was falling open.  After I dropped it on the floor, Caitlyn gave me a child's mask and it wasn't comfortable, so I gave up.  She gave up a lot sooner than I did.
It's a little harder to get to Elise's house now that she lives 2 1/2 hours from the airport (in Atlanta traffic)  We opted to take Groome transportation (shuttle) to get to Augusta.  All in all, it was an all day excursion.  After Elise picked us up, she treated us to some Thai food that we took to her house.
Of course, the main reason to travel so far is to visit the grand kids.  They were pretty excited to see me and Cait (probably Caitlyn a little bit more).

Maverick, Caitlyn, Bevy and Max
Taking a walk at the Savannah Rapids
(in Augusta).

Cait, Elise and Catharine--it was in the low 50's and breezy, so fairly
cool.  Especially because of the humidity.

Mav, Cait, Bev and Max

Bevy and Cait
Max, Cait and Mav


Max and grandma
Bevy in between her own dog, and someone else's.  She loves dogs.


On this walk I found out that Max runs a lot faster than grandma.  I might have more stamina, however.
The Savannah River--South Carolina is across the river

Sisters--Elise and Caitlyn
We took a walk in the neighborhood in the afternoon.  It had warmed up some, but not as much as I would have liked.

Mav drove his jeep.   He's a crazy driver and there were a couple of times
I thought he'd run into a parked car.
Max rode his bike and Bevy was in the stroller (after a little fight with her trying to drive her own little jeep.  She kept turning it off and causing problems). Above is Max in his bike helmet.

 While Caitlyn and I have been traveling, Roy has been staying super busy with work and a few other things as well.  Saturday he went skiing with the Greens.  They ran into Emily Cook and took a run with her.

Finn, Adrienne, Ila and Emily Cook 

Roy, Mark, Gunnar, AJ and Finn
Ila, Adrienne, Emily Cook, and Oli.
It looks like a lot of work to take all those kids skiing, but I
know they love it!

Roy with Avie, Ori and Effie
He was trying to give Nick and Sara a little break but apparently
they had a fairly stressful temple experience.

Sunday night he drove down to Santaquin to have dinner with his dad
at the care center.

Caitlyn, Bevy, Max and Mav.

Sunday we enjoyed early church meetings.  They felt excessively early
since I'm still trying to get off of Utah time.  I have to admit, I had a
hard time keeping my eyes open in Sunday school

I came to Georgia prepared with a few gummy candies for each of the kids.  I also had a few Italian Glitterati candies to take to church.  After dinner I handed out another piece of glitterati.  Max told me I was the best grandma ever.  I'm not sure if it was the candy, or the game of freeze tag we had just played.  Anyway, it made me feel great. We are here in Georgia for another 3 days.  Then I'll come back when Elise has the baby at the end of April.  It's good to spend some time with the Jacksons since we don't see them often.

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