Sunday, March 29, 2020

Continuing at home...

Now that I'm mostly home, I have more time to write, but less to write about.

I think that it's noteworthy that we are participating in a worldwide fast to ask our Father in Heaven for healing at this time.  Physical, emotional and economical healing.  There are many suffering from having their businesses closed or being laid off from lack of work, some in our own wards.
I think that the ones who seem to suffer most when something like this happens are those who are already struggling--either with finances or health.
I was going to write that I don't personally know anyone who has been infected by the Corona virus, but that's not true, there is a young man in our previous ward that contracted it while traveling and brought it home.  I don't know if his family got the virus or not.

I guess Caitlyn took this last week, but this
is her work attire.  She has a small face, so she
wears the kids size masks.  Her co-workers get
a kick out of it.
One afternoon I heard a siren, then a lot of honking.  I thought maybe our neighbors were welcoming a missionary home or something.  I joined Caitlyn outside and watched a parade go by with people honking and waving from their cars.  They had signs that said, "We miss you," etc.  I found out later that they were teachers from the elementary school out to wave at their students.  

I have been reading various articles and books and came across a few things of interest.  One writer called this pandemic, "The great pause."  It would be a more effective quote if I could remember where I read it.  I think it was either the Church News or LDS Living.  He was writing about President Nelson and his foresight.  I think that a great pause is a great description.  It does feel like our lives are temporarily on hold.  I've also been reading the book, "Insights" by Sherri Dew about President Nelson. As would be expected, I've come across some gems from this great man.  He said that when he was first married, his understanding of the gospel was modest--he did not come from a devout Latter-Day Saint home.  He said, "When we married in the temple, we didn't know many scriptures, but we did know Matthew 6:33: 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you'.  This became the lodestar for every decision we made together." We can all benefit if we put the kingdom of God first.
I am so looking forward to conference next week.

Nick says this is the real reason he got a chicken coop
Jieun's on the ball making sure her kids are protected.
She even made Dojin a Spiderman face mask, so he'll actually
wear it.

Roy was telling me here that he had bad news, he had the virus--
notice the blue lips.  In reality, of course, it's a malt ball.

I've also had extra sewing time. I'm working on embroidering
sweatshirts for our planned vacation to Aspen Grove.  The chances
we'll still go in early June are looking bleak.  I embroidered this shirt
for Effie because she loves Peppa Pig and her old shirt was too small.

(This is a girl) Bevy, chillin' with popcorn

Unflattering pose of myself enjoying a Korean
Style dinner at home.  Roy's the chef (as usual).

We enjoyed our home-based sacrament meeting.  We call one of Roy's ministering sisters (she's 86) and include her in our meeting.  We bore testimonies today after studying Come Follow Me.  There was a nice spirit.  I think I'll miss this when we go back to church, even though I really do miss attending.  

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