Sunday, February 23, 2020

Thomas' birthday

Dojin chose to play in Hyeji's room this week because, he said,
 "I don't want my room messy!"

Yuna had a ballet recital.  She's in the above picture, 2nd to the right.  We didn't sit in the best place for the optimal view of her dance.  The recital had a lot of talented dancers and we enjoyed it, but Yuna's part was only a minute.  I remember my mom making elaborate costumes for me and Christine for a dance recital that we were in (I only took ballet for 1 year when I was 10) and complaining that for all the work, we were onstage for less than 3 minutes.  Christine had a second number that was longer and either the second costume was simpler or she was onstage long enough to warrant the costume. At least the grand kids got a lot of use out of those green tutu costumes.  I think they played with them for years.

Yuna's a goofball, we couldn't get her to smile normal
for even a single picture.  I'm hanging on the the flower
because she kept putting it in front of her face.  Jieun
and Dan gave her the flower--not us.  I have to make
that clear so no one expects flowers at their recitals. 😊
At least Jieun got a few good pictures at home.
Thomas' birthday was on Friday.  We chose (because of Crista's urging) to think a little more of him this year than we've done in the past.  We all got together on Saturday for lunch (I had a leadership meeting from 11-1, but more of that in a minute).  I made soup and we ordered a couple of salads from Plates and Palates.  Everyone left their kids home with babysitters for this part of the day and just associated with the adults which was nice for a change.  At 1:15 we left to do a session together in the Bountiful temple.  It turned out to be a busy session (new endowment), but it was lovely and the spirit was there, as always.   It's amazing to be in the temple with all of your children (Cait was in the baptistry).  After the temple, we went back to our house and were joined by all the kids.  We didn't take any pictures, but Adrienne visited the grave with her family on Friday and she took a couple.

Finn, Adrienne, Ila, Gunnar, friend, and Ollie
It's a tradition to send Tom some balloons on his birthday--this year the
Green's carried it on.  I am guessing they all let go of the balloons after this picture was taken.

Finn, Ollie, Gunnar, Adrienne, Ila and AJ
Back to the leadership meeting: About a month and a half ago, I was informed that there would be a leadership meeting on the 22nd.  There were to be three sessions.  One was specifically for the youth, but there would be more information on who was invited to the other meetings.  After that it felt like a big secret or something because I couldn't find out any more information about it.  Finally, 6 days prior, we were told who was invited.  Basically--Bishops, Stake RS president, Stake YW president, Stake primary president, Stake presidencies, and ward RS presidents  For the youth meeting, only the youth were invited, but bishops and young women presidents (ward) were invited to listen in the over-flow.  Because of not knowing anything about the particulars of the meetings, and not knowing if I was even supposed to go, we made the plans for Tom's birthday.   Our multi-stake group consists of 9 stakes, which is why the invitation was so limited.  Anyway, Elder Craig C Christensen and Elder Neil L Anderson were the presiding authorities.
It was a wonderful meeting.  The main concept was that we need to get each individual member to take responsibility for their own, personal conversion.  Elder Anderson said that though we live in a wonderful, strong area--the church will not save us--only our Savior can save us.  He said we need to focus More on the Savior--Less on the church; More on Ministering, Less on Administering; More one on one--Less group setting; More on the temple, Less on the chapel; and More in the home, Less in the classroom.
He showed an excellent visual of a silhouette of a parent or leader, holding a lantern in one hand, and leading along a youth in the other hand.  We talked about what was depicted, then he showed the next slide--the youth had let go of the leader's hand and was heading into the darkness in the other direction.  Elder Anderson said that every individual will let go at some point and begin to make their own decisions.  He then showed the last slide of the two individuals going separate directions--each with their own lamp.  That is the goal.  To make sure that each individual develops their own light and testimony so that if others around them falter, they will not.
It was a two hour meeting, but it seemed to go by much faster (which says a lot coming from me!).  A good portion of the meeting was question and answer.
After the meeting I joined our family as we headed up to the temple.

Sunday morning Crista and Matt and family; Adrienne and AJ and family; Jennie and Jordan, Caitlyn and Roy and I were all able to go and hear Amelia's welcome home.  I have to admit I was torn because Dan and Jieun were speaking in our home ward (which I didn't know until a couple of days ago).  Amelia did a great job and it was fun to see her and then go up and spend some time with extended family.  Adrienne had to get back for primary, so she didn't come to Christine's.  Roy and I had to get back for church meetings, also, but not until about 1:00.  I had a ward conference I was speaking at, and Roy had a presidency meeting.

Matt and Crista (Dave and Becky in the background)
Becky, Dave, Kim and Chris Saling, and Steve.

Caitlyn's going to love me for putting this picture on display!
Christine and Catharine

Jacob-- You can see Christine had quite a crowd show up.

Christine with her daughters
Eliza, (Christine), Amelia, Brianna, Sara and Mykelle. Only Nathanael's and Andrew's wives are missing.
They are all wearing wrap around skirts that Amelia brought from Argentina.  They are also reversible.

Jennie, Jordan, Rachel and Laura
All in all, another great and busy week.

Ruby and Greta

Hyeji, Dojin and Yuna

Hyeji and Ruby


Jennie, Greta, Yuna Dojin and Hyeji--very interested in something
on Jennie's phone.

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