Sunday, March 8, 2020

A few more days in Georgia

 Caitlyn and I enjoyed the rest of our stay in Georgia.  We had a LOT of rain.  We thought we just had bad luck, but we had really bad luck because Elise told me today that they had had 500% more rain than normal.  We did have a couple of nice days for walking, though.
We also enjoyed working out in Elise's gym.  She is a member of a fitness center that has very liberal guest policies.  She was able to take both of us every day while we were there.  Most of the exciting things to do in Augusta (besides golf) is outdoors,  but we weren't bored because we went there to see the Jackson's, not Augusta.  Andy had the night shift every night while we were there--starting at 11 pm.  So, after he woke up for the day we were able to interact with him as well.

Beverly--we ate Mexican for lunch one day while the
boys were in school.  She can eat well if it's convenient
and she doesn't have distractions.

Catharine  on Elise's electric scooter.  
Caitlyn on Elise's electric scooter

The last night in Georgia we took everyone for ice cream.  The kids had their own little table with a chalk board, so they loved it.

Caitlyn, Andy and Catharine

Cait and Mav.  Selfie in the car!

As you can see, the Jackson kids love Caitlyn
Beverly, Mav and Max

While we were gone Roy bought 6 new chickens.  This time he bought older chickens.  They are 18 months old.  He introduced them to the current residents of the coop and they were not happy, so Caitlyn had to take it upon herself to protect them--and they love her.  The little white one follows her around.

Roy kept a full schedule while we were gone, taking care of lots of things he doesn't have time to do when I'm around--like visiting his dad; re-waxing the downstairs cement floor...and he had a young men's activity.  He missed me though.  It reminded me of my own mother coming out to help me when Adrienne was born.  After a week I walked out to find her sweeping the garage.  I said, "Mom, you don't have to sweep my garage.  Then I realized she was crying.  I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I just miss Vernon."

New chickens
We got a lot of chores done on Saturday.
I had another ward conference that I had to speak at (in the YW/YM meeting) on Sunday.  The theme was the restoration.  I decided at the last minute (since the kids didn't seem to be willing to participate) that I'd change up my part.  I told the story of John Howland falling off the Mayflower.  I mentioned that I thought he was a direct ancestor, but found out I was wrong.  (I guess I didn't listen well at Cook Family Organization meeting in February, because I asked about him at the meeting and was told that when they told the story, they had been talking about how it says on Family Search that he's our direct ancestor, but it's wrong).  I said that Heavenly Father had been working on the restoration for a long time before Joseph Smith ever went out to the grove to pray,  then I told the story.  It segued well into some other things I had prepared.  One more ward conference next Sunday and then I'm done for the year.
 Roy left on Sunday evening to go to St. George for a conference.  It's good he'll only be gone for 24 hours.

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