Sunday, March 15, 2020

Covid 19

This week has made a place in history because of Covid 19.  I know there have been other scares in the past with the swine flu and other illnesses, but I've never seen anything like this. President Russell M. Nelson told us 6 months ago that the next conference season would be "unforgettable."  He may have been referring to conference itself, but I think he may also have had some idea of what was coming for all of us.  When we look at the "Come Follow Me" program and all of the other changes we've seen over the past couple of years, we know we are following the Prophet of the Lord's church.  I am so grateful that I have this guidance and someone I can follow with complete faith that we will be led in the right direction--the direction that will lead us to our Savior.
There are definite blessings that come from being prepared.  We have plenty of food in our home, and even plenty of toilet paper 😀.  We did make a trip to the store on Thursday night after a visit to the temple (right before it closed).  We wanted bananas.  There was not one banana or apple in the store, which we found interesting since bananas and apples are perishable.  We took a few pictures.
The lines
Cereal aisle

Keep in mind that it was 9:00 at night.  All of the eggs were gone, much of the yogurt, all the toilet paper, paper towels and cleaning wipes, etc.  I think our real worry is the run on the stores rather than the virus--especially since we are doing some social isolation as a community.

Everyone's lives are being put on hold to some degree.  I would have thought I could have kept doing almost everything I normally do, but they have cancelled my water aerobics classes for at least 2 weeks, and there is a good chance the Rec center will be closed as well--so no skating (it is closed today and tomorrow--at a board meeting on Monday it will be decided if it will close).
I think my kids were praying that school would stay open, but alas, it has been cancelled for  the next 2 weeks--and then it is spring break. Concerts/plays/and meetings are postponed.  I am sure this means a lot of money lost for various venues and corporations.  I'm sure it will also mean a loss of income for many individuals.

In a Marco Polo to Caitlyn, Ruby said that she hates the Corona virus,  she said, "I just want it to be healed."

Andy received an award recently--resident of the month--he said it might be a joke because he's never noticed anyone getting the award before--but I'm pretty sure it was legit.  He will continue seeing patients as usual, as will Caitlyn in her receptionist job in a Bountiful medical clinic.  She says it has been quite interesting there, for example, people coming in to be checked "just in case".  People are fearful.

Roy has instructed his employees to work from home and Nick is also working at home.  I'm not sure about Dan.  I went to pick up some prescriptions at the pharmacy and was asked if the clerk could initial everything for me, so she didn't have to send the pad back and forth (for germs).

Prior to the schools closing, Adrienne went on a field trip with Oli.  I took Finn and Ila for most of the school day.  Adrienne was a little nervous that they still took the field trip with everything going on--especially since she was assigned 3 little boys, and one of them was sniffing a lot and kept touching her.  The kids were darling for me.  Finn took great care of his little sister (though I did have to remind him a couple of times not to bounce so high when Ila was on the tramp with him).

I found a doll for Ila to play with.  Caitlyn
told her to "say cheese."
me with Ila and Finn

 Ila had to do everything that Finn did.
We found one egg in the coop which I cooked for lunch.
Ila ate it--I guess she likes eggs more than Finn does.

I got a start at organizing the toys--Ila liked the empty bin.
Here's our new chicken coop for the new chickens (last week
I said they were 18 months old, but they're only 18 weeks).
It's not bad to have chickens when there are no eggs to be
found in the stores.  Actually, they are always yummy--way
better than store-bought eggs.  We had put the new chickens
in with the old, but they were getting beat up, so we took the coop that Nick bought for his new chicks that don't quite need them yet, then Roy bought another one just like it for Nick when he needs it.  He'll have to go help Nick put it together.

Caitlyn made us our Saturday night dessert
--chocolate mousse with strawberries;
and Roy wanted lemon wafers on his
The problem with this "break" from life
is that I feel like I'm on vacation and I should be
making lots of good things to eat.

I have lots I can do even without going anywhere, but it'll be an interesting couple of weeks.
Today was wonderful.  I felt a great spirit as we took the sacrament in our home (Roy had permission).  We sang songs just as we would have at church, read the first presidency message and watched the video, and then we studied Come follow Me.  We heard from our children that they had great experiences in their families as well.  Dan said his kids planned it all.  Doyeon bore her testimony and Hyeji gave a talk on obedience, and then bore her testimony, "I believe this church, that we're not at, is true."  Elise met with some members in her neighborhood and said it was wonderful.  Nick's girls sang "Do what I'm doing"  Ori said, "It's fun pretending to have church." (Nick explained that it wasn't a game), and Crista said they had their meeting and then would continue to treat Sunday as they always do.  Her girls bore their testimonies as well, and they had an added item of interest--a microphone, which made it all the more real for the girls.
I think this is a great teaching opportunity for our families to teach the kids why we worship our Savior and why it's important to take the sacrament, even when we can't go to church.  I was impressed that many in our family dressed up for this important meeting, even though none of us had to leave our homes.  I realize that it's more of a challenge for those with little children, but it sounded as if it mostly went well with only a little "murmuring."

We will learn from this emergency, and it will pass.  I am just slightly concerned that Nan and Bruce might have a harder time getting home than they were planning on; but I'm sure they'll get home at some point (I think they get done in the middle of April).  I have complete trust in our Savior and thus I am not even a little worried about this hiccup in our lives.   He is in charge. Also, let's not forget that we have each other at this time.

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