Sunday, February 21, 2016


Some of us met at the cemetery tonight to commemorate Thomas's birthday today.

 Elise sent a few pictures via group text--most of which we are very familiar with.  There was a full moon above the mountain, too bad it didn't show up very much in the picture.  It was a really beautiful evening.
This has been a tender day as we've said Happy Birthday to Tom and also to my mother on Friday.  Some of you might also have realized that this is also the anniversary month of Grandpa's death.  Here are a few photos to remember our loved ones.

1993: Grandpa wrote down a tender story about babysitting Thomas while grandma and I went to Relief Society.  He had a hard time getting Thomas to bed.  Thomas fell asleep, and grandpa put him in his bed.  Of course, that woke him and he followed grandpa out of the room.  The next time this happened, grandpa tried crawling out of the bedroom.  That didn't work either.  After several failed attempts, grandpa gave up and this is how we found the two of them when we arrived home.

2007--Adrienne's wedding

Grandma and Grandpa Cook with Thomas

Grandma and Nan
Florida, about 1995

Monday Roy and I had an appointment with the builder to go over the proposed schedule.  Just before it was time to leave, we got a call.  The meeting was postponed--due to the good news that the bulldozer was at our lot and they were excavating.  We instead met at the lot and talked over a few things.  It was so exciting to see something actually happening.  We've been working on getting permits since August.  We found that Centerville City was a little difficult to work with--at least when it comes to permits, zoning issues and variances. 
This doesn't look like much, but they are actually pouring footings
 tomorrow, so a little bit has happened since these pictures were taken. 
While ice skating these past couple of weeks, I met a sweet young woman. After helping her with some skating skills, I visited with her and found out that last April she left her FLDS community and her shared husband, and took her two children with her.  She is living with one of her brothers who had previously been kicked out of the community.  It sounded like, though her dad is still a believer, he is an outcast also, but her mother is still in the community and thus--she cannot communicate with her.  I was scheduled to have the missionaries for dinner Wednesday night, so when I ran into Rose on Wednesday, I told her the missionaries were coming and asked if she'd like to come to dinner with her kids.  She graciously accepted.  We were able to meet her two kids and also her brother's two children whom she cares for every day.  They are such a sweet family.  She loved our family pictures and said she'd do anything to have a picture like that of her family, but they are all spread out and cannot all be together because of their circumstances.  My heart went out to her. 

Friday night I spent the night with some High School girlfriends.  It's amazing that we have retained a our friendship all these years.  Spending the night with them was enlightening.  I found out things about them that I never knew and it helped me to understand them better.  One of my friends is estranged from her entire family.  Her mother died soon after her marriage, and her father remarried a woman only 7 years older than my she was.  The new wife did not like my friend and resented the life that her father had had before his remarriage.  My friend said she tried for 7 years to rekindle the relationship, but after shedding many tears, she decided she had to be happy with her own family.  My other friend told stories of her parents being so worried about her weight that they were constantly saying hurtful things.  She had an eating disorder (as did another of these four friends).  I thought I had struggled with my self image, but she really had it hard.  I was reminded to be grateful for my wonderful parents and family.  While I was in Midway, Caitlyn and Roy had a date together at China Garden.

Last Sunday night we had a visit from Ruby and I got a cute picture but forgot to include it in the letter.  Roy took the picture of Nick and Ori at a Young Men's meeting--last week also.

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