Sunday, November 24, 2019

Picture essay: Jordan and Jennie's wedding pictures (mostly)

Our household was fairly quiet this week.  I spent a day with Finn and Ila while Adrienne and AJ were in Chicago.  Ila warmed up to me when there were no other "better choices."  Roy took Crista to the airport on Tuesday morning for her week in Hawaii, and Beverly celebrated her 2nd birthday. We also had a delicious sushi dinner with Dan and Jieun on Friday night (made by Jieun).

 With such a quiet week, I thought it would be fun to share a few of the wedding photos we received this week.  Christy Cunningham is the main photographer, but the first set of pictures were taken by her friend that came to help her out since she fell down the stairs right before Jennie's wedding.


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The ring ceremony

Cutting the cake

And some fun extended family shots:

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