Sunday, December 1, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

We started our week by listening to Gunnar in what I believe was his first piano recital.  He did very well.  I told him the story of how at the age of 15, Daniel decided he wanted to play the piano so he taught himself how to play, "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven.  That's a pretty difficult piece for a beginner.  After that I decided he needed lessons.  His first teacher didn't know what to do with him, so after about 9 months, we found a teacher that could really help him excel.  He is a fairly competent pianist.  I told Gunnar that if I had started him younger, and he had practiced as much as he did later, he would be even more fabulous.  I hope Gunnar decides it's important enough to spend time on it every day.

This is Gunnar (gray sweater) with the other piano students and the teacher
You can see he took this quite seriously. 
 I think Hyeji wrote the following poem in honor of Thanksgiving.  In case you can't read from the picture (below) the poem reads: (Hyeji's spelling mostly intact)
Grandma reads to me
Grandpa teases me,
Nick tickles me,
Sarah teaches me,
Ori plays with me,
Effy giggles with me,
Eve [Avie] learns with me,
Daniel works for me,
Jieun feeds me,
Doyeon helps me,
Yuna plays with me,
Dojin loves me,
 Adrienne teaches me,
A.J helps me,
Gunnar laughs with me,
Ollie shares with me,
Finn chases me,
Isla is cute to me,
Crista helps me,
Matt loves to earn,
Ruby giggles,
Gretta clappes,
Brigot slobbers on me,
Elise hugs me,
Andy works  hard,
Max will give me a card,
Mav will run with me,
Bev will kiss me,
Jenny will cut my hair, Jordan won't give me a glare,
and I, Hyeji Rasband, love them with all my lovable heart.

I think Hyeji has the right idea.  Each member of our family has their wonderful qualities and personality traits and we are so blessed to have the love among us that we enjoy.  If I wrote the poem, it would be similar, but way more extensive.  And, I would have to go back and express gratitude for goodly parents, strong and faithful ancestors, and the best siblings an extended family.  When you stop to think about what is really important in this life, I think it boils down to two things--the gospel of Jesus Christ, and our relationships with one another.  We are truly blessed as a family in both areas.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with four of our children.  Elise and her family spent their holiday at the beach.  They had a shrimp fest in place of the traditional turkey dinner.  We used to do the same when we lived in Georgia.  We'd head to Florida and eat seafood in celebration of the holiday.  It was fun seeing her pictures because they reminded me of when our children were small.

 Nick was our child who loved looking for critters in the sand and in the ocean.  The weather was a little cool for the Jacksons, but they enjoyed the water anyway.

Crista was also away for the holiday.  The Vances spent Thanksgiving day traveling home from a fabulous 10 days in Hawaii. They had a great time.  They said one of the highlights was spending time with Tori and Hayward and getting to know them.  Crista said that Hayward and Matt had a lot in common and really enjoyed visiting.  After their first day together, Trey said, "This was the best day of my life."  They were invited over for Trey's birthday celebration, too.  They felt honored as they were the only guests.  Hayward's home was only 10 minutes from the home that Crista stayed at.

Caitlyn picked them up at the airport late in the evening.  They arrived at our house after 10, so we didn't get to bed until 11:30--we had to enjoy them while we could.  
Ruby and Greta loved our new Christmas decoration with all the Disney princesses, but Ruby didn't like it when Caitlyn told her not to touch.  We can all learn from a little incident between Ruby and Greta:
Caitlyn: "Ruby, you can help me hang the Christmas ornaments if you tell Greta you're sorry for hitting her."
Ruby reluctantly: "I'm sorry Greta."
Greta: "Now give me a hug...we're sisters you know!" 
Greta's right, there's not enough time in the world to hold onto grudges.  We need to quickly forgive and make things right with those we love.

Ruby and Greta, captivated by our new Christmas decoration.  Greta
is sitting down on an upside down Lego bucket

There were only three pictures taken of our Thanksgiving--all by Sara.  One shows that grandpa Rasband was able to make the trek up from Santaquin (Roy drove down and picked him up, and at the end of the day took him back home).  I think it was exhausting for grandpa, but overall he was glad to be there.  We were happy to have him.
Delicious apple dessert, and apple pie, made by Sara
Grandpa with Effie  
 Adrienne and AJ didn't stay for dinner, but they came by to see grandpa.  Ila wouldn't come and see me, but she hung out by grandpa Rasband and had her hand on his knee the whole time.  Of course, Adrienne was sitting by him at the time.

Ori, Doyeon, Dojin, Hyeji, Yuna and Catharine
We used china for the adults, but the kids got paper plates--good idea!!!
We have new stools at the counter and there was a little bit of jealousy
 of who got to sit  on them.

Friday morning, as soon as Thanksgiving was officially over, Caitlyn set up the Christmas tree.  I'm grateful because I didn't have to do it.  The Christmas season fully began.  We played Christmas music all day.  The next evening Roy and I went out with friends to dinner and "Savior of the World" at the Conference Center.  We had seen this production in our area a couple of years ago when it was presented by a neighboring stake.  It was just as enjoyable this time around and a great way to begin the month of celebrating our Savior's birth.

Troy and Kathy Atkinson, Brian and Shelley Willey, the Booths (friends of the Atkinsons)
and Roy and I
Kathy made all the plans, but she asked me to pick the restaurant.  La Cai Noodle
house has been a favorite since we ate here with Nan and Bruce years ago.

 I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, for my family and extended family, and for my ancestors that have paved the way for me to live the life I live.  We are truly and extensively blessed!

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