Sunday, November 3, 2019

Halloween 2019

The first Snowfall of the year happened this week. 
At least Effie and Ori had almost
enough snow at their house to go out and play in it.

Jennie and I went to Charlotte's bi-annual Witches Tea
and enjoyed a great lunch, a fun visit, and a delicious
caramel apple made by Charlotte.  (Thanks, Char!!!)

Jieun sent me pictures from the Halloween Parade at Centerville Elementary. 

Yuna (light fury?)

Hyeji (witch)

Doyeon.  She was a "light fury," too--whatever that is.  I never
saw her with her mask on, but she left it at my house.
Crista and Matt and girls, were gifted airfare to Hawaii from Matt's boss
for working for Malouf for 5 years.  They'll take off
in a couple of weeks.  

Crista and Matt do awesome costumes every year.  Yes, it's Crista's real hair!

Finn (Black Panther), Oli is Sloop, and Gunnar is a Mario Brother

Ila dressed as Anna from Frozen.  She didn't like her cape
very much.
We were able to see these kids for a few minutes before all
their festivities started for the evening.


Greta (another Anna), Ruby--Elsa, and Bridget--Olaf

Beverly and her friend

 We had a visit from all of these princesses and superheros after trick or treating.

Avie gave me lots of loves and attention!

Bevy, Mav and Max

Doyeon--Dan's happy to have a backyard now, so he can rake leaves!

We were able to watch Oli play his last outdoor
soccer game of the year.  We ran into Kim Cook, too.  Her
boys games were over, but she was headed somewhere else for
another game.  I think Oli is the star player on his team.  He scored two
goals and the score was 2 to 0, but after half time the other
team came back and scored 2 goals, too, so it was a tie game.
 Trick or Treating was interesting this year.  One little girl was very curious and asked if we had any family living in our big house with us.  Another said, "Wow, this is big like my Gran's house"  I told him it was because I was a "Gran."  And another little boy said, "This is a BIG house!  Are you rich?"  I smiled and said, "Not anymore!" 

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