Sunday, November 10, 2019

Peter and Mykael get married and Roy flies to Atlanta

Peter and Mykael Christensen were married this week.  The ceremony in the Salt Lake Temple was of course, the  highlight.  The sealer was one of the Christensen's good friends, Ned Mangleson.  He is in their ward and had been great friends to my parents as well.  Ned did a beautiful job expounding on the meaning of the temple ceremony.  I always wish I could take in a notepad and write down the beautiful teachings I hear, but of course the sealing and other temple ordinances are far too sacred.  My memory isn't good enough.  One thing I do remember, though.  He said that the word help-meet is often wrongly defined.  We think of Eve being Adam's help-meet (one word).  He says that woman was created to help Adam, and she was meet for him, his equal partner.
Following the wedding, we waited in the waiting area in the temple while the bride got ready for pictures.  It is a beautiful room and the spirit is there, even though you don't have to have a recommend to be there.  While we were waiting, a group of dignitaries entered.  We discovered that it was the "Caliph" or the head of the Muslim community, and others in his circle.  President Nelson is reaching out to our religious neighbors and had invited them to tour Temple Square.  The matron there said she felt very honored to be there when they were being shown around.
We also enjoyed a dinner in Peter and Mykael's honor the night before.  It was held in the Jade room at the Joseph Smith building.  Steve, Christine, and Mykael's mother shared some memories of Peter and Mykael, and a couple of their friends spoke.  Roy and I sat by Bruce and Barb, Char and Mackenzie (Char's date in place of Phil!), and John Oblad.  Dave and Becky and Glenn and Rosilene were absent due to traveling in Israel and Egypt, and Phil was in Atlanta on business.

Bruce, Barb, Me, Char, Kenzie and John

Christensen family

Mykael, Peter, Christine and Steve

 Following pictures we went home and changed and retrieved Roy's suitcases, etc. then I took him to the airport to catch a flight to Atlanta where he had a conference for the next several days.  I had planned to go with him, but when I found out that Elise was busy that week, I decided not to go.  He had a very successful conference, so it was good that he went.  One evening while he was there,  he did the "drive down memory lane."
Roy's booth at the conference

Ga. 400 (We're glad we don't live there anymore!)

835 Crab Orchard Drive (Too bad he could only drive by at night)

Where our theater used to be:  It's now a Children's Pool (next picture)

China Garden restaurant--this is right by the theater and was
one of our favorites.  We still think it is the best Chinese food we've
ever had!
The owners remembered Roy and were glad to create a custom dish of half
sesame beef and half egg foo yong.  

They didn't remember his name, but they remembered him.  He remembered
them also.  Macy (on left) and her brother Patrick (on right)

The Altlanta Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

While Roy was gone I made a trip up to Logan to visit Crista.  It had been too long since I'd seen them and Bridget is growing so fast!  She gave me lots of smiles, but when I got the camera out, she was asleep.
I took them for Aggie ice cream.  They are being silly, here.

Jieun and Dan had me over for dinner every night while Roy was gone which was very nice of them.  I enjoyed spending time with their family.  Jieun said it was so easy to have me over "now that we live so close..."  I laughed, because they were pretty close before they moved.  She said it just seems different now--she can have me over and not have to make anything special.  I think she did go to a little extra work knowing that I was coming.

On his last day in Georgia, Roy drove the two hours up to see Elise and the kids.  Below are pictures of Max, Mav and Bev.  I sent Beverly's birthday present and Grandpa gave it to her a little early.  She turns 2 at the end of this month.

Adrienne and AJ had us to dinner Sunday evening.  The Green's came too.  Adrienne played a piano duet in her ward Sunday morning so we went to listen.  She did a great job.  It's enjoyable to listen to your children who have passed you up in musical abilities!

We're still working hard trying to get Ila  to warm up
to us.  You can see that at least right here, we didn't succeed.

Adrienne replayed her part of the duet.  It was pretty even without
the other part.  

Roy and Finn


Gunnar and Oli

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