Monday, October 28, 2019

Week of respite

This week has been quiet.  Roy was in Maine for 3 days on a business conference.  I was happy not to go, except for the lobster dinner he enjoyed one night.

While he was gone I held a training for all the Young Women Presidencies in our stake.  It went really well and afterwards my own presidency talked about what we had left to do for the year.  There was only one activity...until I got an email asking us to  provide refreshments for Viewmont's Seminary Halloween activity.  When we have to provide refreshments it's always major because it's always for several hundred people.  I got on the phone right after receiving the email and ordered the cookies, but the pizza place was closed.  Later that  afternoon I got a call from a member of our stake presidency telling me that he had misunderstood.  All the seminary wanted was a check from our stake for said activity, that they were happy to pick everything up.  Phew!  I have to admit I was relieved.

It's getting close to Halloween, which has kind of become at least a week long celebration with everyone trying to fit in their "trunk or treats"  or their parties...  We had our ward trunk or treat and dinner on Friday night.  It was more fun this year since Dan and Jieun are now in our ward.

Yuna, Hyeji, Doyeon and Dojin dressed for the Trunk or Treat.  Yuna is telling
everyone her name is Hazel.

A young man in our ward owns the equipment to do these fun pictures.  They printed us one there, and Dan had one emailed to his email address which he then shared with me.

Dan meeting his doppelganger (at least Caitlyn thinks they look alike)
Saturday, Roy and I drove down to Santaquin to visit grandpa Verl.  We took him to lunch at "Santaquin's" a hamburger joint he likes down there.  He ordered onion  rings and could only eat a little more than half of those.  He doesn't eat much.  He's also very fragile and taking him up a couple of steps was a little daunting.  After lunch, we drove up to the city center temple and did a session.  It was a little more eventful than our usual temple sessions.  It was late getting started, then the sister witness nearly passed out while kneeling.  Roy was quick to volunteer our services to take over when that couple left.  Also, in that temple you move from one room to the next, and for some reason, the 2nd room wasn't ready for about 10 minutes.  However, it's always nice to sit for a little extra time when it's so peaceful.

Back in March we attended a fundraising dinner in Nick's (our old) ward.  Roy, always generous, bidded as if we were in the ward (hopefully we didn't outbid people in that ward who really wanted what we were bidding for).  We "won" a brisket dinner baked by our good friend Dwight Galloway.  He is providing us with this dinner today.  Nick and Sara, and Dan, and their families, and Jennie and Jordan + Caitlyn are coming to enjoy it with us this evening.

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