Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Labor Day Weekend

Effie, Avie and Ori enjoying the new quilt
 Early this week I finished a quilt for Avie.  Apparently all the girls liked it :)

We celebrated Gunnar's birthday one evening (since we are always camping on his actual birthday).  We had take-out Chinese food delivered and Roy spent some individual time with Gunnar building a steam engine and having him shoot flies and wasps with our new salt shooter gun.  I think he liked doing that.  The boys played and hopefully it was a small break for their parents.

I had many pickling cucumbers from our garden, so I made a batch of mustard pickles (I've never been successful canning regular dill pickles).  I've also made a couple of batches of spaghetti sauce for the winter.
I got abut 20 pints of mustard pickle out of the batch

Max  had an awesome opportunity this week.  He was King of the Day in kindergarten!
And his sister Beverly is almost walking. Also, lucky Elise-- Maverick is being potty trained.
Max as King

In keeping with our traditions, Roy and I headed up to Flaming Gorge for boating.  It's  often our last boating week of the summer, but not this time... We brought our boat back and will head to Bear Lake to boat with Crista and Matt next Saturday. Caitlyn, and Dan and Jieun and family came with us and we had a fantastic time.  Jennie was going to come but she had better offers.  As usual, we got lots of pictures.

For some reason Hyeji looks a little guilty in
this picture.

We did some tubing.  

Hyeji, Yuna and Doyeon
Hyeji, Dan and Doeyon

The water was "refreshing"! but everyone still got in.

 Dojin got to drive the boat and get his picture taken in this coveted spot.  Every time Roy touched the wheel to get us back on track, Dojin would hit his hand off.  He was driving--that's all there was to it.

Dan on two skis.

Dan thought it would be fun to try two skis.  He did great and said it was fun to goof off with them.  Caitlyn slalomed.  She got up for a few seconds, then fell down. She blamed it on peer pressure, cold water and her bad mood because Roy woke her up to ski (the water was perfect for a few seconds).  By the time she got in, however, the wind had picked up and it wasn't good slalom conditions.  She fell after a few seconds and the ski flew up and hit her in the head.  She had a little headache for the rest of the trip.  She's a trooper, though.  She'll probably try again sometime.

Boating can be exhausting

We went to church in Dutch John and had a relaxing Sabbath the rest of the day.  We took our infamous walk down to the Gorge and got--you guessed it--more pictures.  We took turns with Dan and Jieun.  It's a one hour hike, round trip, no big deal, but sometimes the younger of Dan's girls complain, so we left them home.

We thought about boating on Monday, but it was a little chili and most of us were ready to get home, so we packed up and left.  Later that evening we met Dan and Jieun at Ejos Restaurant that just reopened that very day.  We wanted to support Jieun's "aunt."  All in all it was another fun summer week.
More pictures:

While fishing for crawdads at the pond,
Dan and the girls were treated to
another form of wildlife.

Doyeon and Yuna

Dojin, like all the other grand children,
loves to climb up
and down the trailer steps.

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