Sunday, September 23, 2018

Back into a routine?

There's no growth in the comfort zone, and no comfort in the growth zone.  When the Lord wants us to grow, he gives us opportunity.  I spent this past week praying and pondering to choose  counselors for my new calling.  It was an exercise in working to receive revelation.  I haven't had to do anything quite like this before.  I think there will be a lot of firsts in the next four years (that's how long they told me to expect to be in my calling).  I texted my names to President Ford (1st counselor in the stake presidency) on Friday evening.  I wasn't feeling totally confident in myself, but Roy told me I'd feel better after I sent the names.  I did.  I felt at peace.  Interestingly, even though they had given me a "short list" to choose from since I don't know anyone in the stake (I added a few names to it from my ward and from my limited knowledge of others in the stake), I was told that my 1st counselor was not available.  I told Roy that she was the one I was least sure about--the only one on the list they gave me that I knew.  I gave them another name, and she was not available either.  I had narrowed my original list down to five names, and by the time I used all five, I didn't hear any more from President Ford.  It's yet to be seen whether these three sisters will accept their call.

I also had the opportunity to serve in the Kaysville Mill this week.  Four hours in a factory "line" is pretty hard work when you're not used to it.  It seems easy to stand there and throw bags of pasta into a box, but by the end of the four hours, my shoulders were burning.  It made me feel sorry for people who have to do it for a living.  I guess you'd get used to it if you did it every day, but...boring... I was glad I had signed up to serve, though.  I needed the blessings and extra guidance this week.

Christine took me and Nan out to lunch for Nan's birthday.  We went to a place called "The Art Center" in Murray.  We all had egg salad sandwiches.  The bread was particularly good--they make everything homemade there. Nan told us more about her mission--how long she'd be in the MTC,  how they'd be charged per day for living there whether they ate the food or not, etc.  She will be able to come home for the weekends.  That way Rachel can take them to the airport when they leave for The Republic of Congo.  I told her that if she can go to Africa, I can be the Stake Young Women's President.  She said she'd rather go to Africa. 😃

Caitlyn had an orthodontist appointment as well as a consultation with a surgeon the following day.  We had decided braces for sure (she cried)--to try and fix some of the problems from her jaw issues.  Her teeth are straight from previous braces, but her jaw has moved so much that her bite is way off.  We weren't sure the surgeon would be willing to take a chance with her, but he said that she had so many problems, surgery was worth the risk.  She'll have braces for 9 months or so, then the surgery, then the braces will stay on for a few more months.  Please pray for her that the surgeon can do a good job and that we won't set off her inflammation again.

The pool at the rec center reopened after a two week cleaning period.  The water was cold!  I am back to teaching, but now it's 2 mornings a week--Tuesday and Thursday.  The ice reopened a week earlier.  While the ice was down I went to Ogden to skate and found an adult class that happens every Wednesday.  It's a drive, but it's so much fun that I think I'll try and get there each week.  DUP also started this past week (Daughter's of the Utah Pioneers).  I guess I'm officially back into a routine.

Roy and I drove up to the Gorge one last time for the year--to bring the trailer back.  It was beautiful, we were sorry we didn't bring the boat and come again later to get the trailer.  There were only a few boats on the Lake.  I know you're all tired of Flaming Gorge Selfies, but it's the only picture we've taken so far this week.
At least the view never gets old.

Sunday:  I went to Adrienne and AJ's ward for the primary program and asked Adrienne to take a picture following church and send it to me.
This is what happens when you try to take a picture of the Green kids
Sometimes they cooperate

 I got these pictures from Elise today.  Andy and Max came in 2nd in their pinewood derby.  They would have won if the winner had built his car to code.

Max and Mav watching the race

Beverly being greeted by a friend (they must use the same
beautician, their hair is so similar!)

Nick came over to visit us on Sunday night while Sara went to a Trek Fireside.  We played a couple of games and had a fun visit.

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