Sunday, August 26, 2018

Slower week for me, but not for everyone

For me, this week was a slower week than we've had all summer, but there was lots going on in the family.  The first event that was busy for my 5 oldest children and their families was Back to School!!!  I remember how much I liked getting the kids back in school at the end of each summer.  I didn't love "Back to School Night," paperwork, paying fees, and so on, but in general it was always a happily anticipated event.
Hyeji started 3rd grade, Gunnar 2nd, Doyeon 1st, Max, Kindergarten, and Ollie, Ori, Ruby and Yuna will be going to pre-school.  I got a few pictures from Jieun (Max started school last week so his picture is in the last newsletter)

And Doyeon lost her first tooth!
Andy finishes his rotation in Fort Hood at the end of next week.  Elise drove up to visit him this weekend with the kids.  I'm sure Elise will be thrilled to have him back after his 6 weeks away.

Both these pictures are of Beverly (The army clothes do say "daddy's little girl."

Jennie gave Dojin a haircut. Here are before and after pics.  There's a huge difference.



Roy, Crista and Matt went on another long bike ride--Cache Valley Century.  Nick was going to go with them, but he is sleep deprived from helping with a new baby, so he opted out.  Crista and Roy did the shorter ride--37 miles.  Roy said it was still a good work out.  

Caitlyn had her first class at Utah State.  It was a connections class that started before all the other classes.  She stayed with Crista for the week and thus was available to babysit the girls on Saturday so Crista could go on the bike ride.  She was able to move into her apartment to some extent on Friday afternoon.



Crista in biking attire

Ruby in dancing attire

Sunday was Amelia Christensen's farewell.  On the way in the door Roy asked the greeter if she knew Vernon Cook.  She said, "I sure did. He was a great man. Every time my children would give talks in church, they would get a letter from him within two days, telling them what a good job they did."  This was a little tidbit of information that I didn't know about my dad.
 Amelia gave a great talk.  And it was especially fun because Bruce, Glenn and Rosilene were there.  We had 6 out of 7 siblings there.  Also, Norm and Carol Wright were in town from California (Carol Cook Wright is a cousin of mine), so we were able to visit with them.  Kim Saling and Bruce O. took pictures, but I didn't even take my phone in.

Christine had made some delicious quiche.  There was also salad, fruit and some treats.  After a fun visit, I had to hurry to get to my ward in time to teach the Relief Society lesson.  It went well, even though there were lots of announcements and I had to finish early in order to allow the chorister time to practice a song that the RS is going to be singing in Sacrament meeting in a couple of weeks.  At least no one really had time to get bored.

Amelia and Caitlyn.  She'll make a great missionary!

On the 4th of July we were supposed to celebrate Grandpa Rasband's 89th birthday, but because of the fires threatening Tara and Luke Osborn's cows, the party was cancelled.  So, this evening we went down to Payson to wish Verl (Grandpa, dad) happy birthday and to socialize with Roy's family.  We had a great time, but Verl didn't look like he felt very well. He's had a lot of back and joint pain among other things.  Hopefully, we won't have worn him out too much.  Bruce Oblad took the following pictures at Amelia's farewell.  We missed Dave.  He had to attend his stake conference since he is a stake leader.

Phil, Christine, Catharine, Bruce, Glenn and Nan

Charlotte and Christine

Catharine and Brayden Saling

Bruce and Caitlyn

Rosilene, Glenn and Ila

Christine and Bruce
Violet and Nan

Caitlyn and Catharine

Caitlyn, Catharine, Chris Saling, friend of Eliza's, Eliza and Peter Christensen, and Laura Beale

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