Wednesday, September 12, 2018

All school-aged kids finally and officially in school

I have added a few pictures to last week's post if you are interested.  Below are my cute grand kids--beginning of school photos.


Yuna 1st day of pre-school


Gunnar 1st day of school (August)

Gunnar started school in August, but I didn't get the pictures until now

School FINALLY started for my 3-5 year old grandchildren.  For pre-school and kindergarten, school didn't officially get started until the day after Labor Day.  It's so frustrating for parents of kindergartners--everyone else starts school, but because of kindergarten testing, school doesn't start for the 5 year-olds.

Little Ila reached out and grabbed the hot panini maker while Adrienne was fixing sandwiches and got a 2nd degree burn on her pinky and a 1st degree burn on her thumb.  Adrienne and AJ took another trip to the emergency room to get her checked out.  The doctor told her to make sure she uses her thumb joint and also that she doesn't get an infection.  She's naked in the picture because of a blowout that always happens when you don't have extra clothing handy.


Jennie attended a concert this past week.  She was dressed for it, too.  She said people wear lots of make-up to these things.  She made a good choice and came home early when she decided it wasn't the type of concert she should be at.  

I got this picture of Finn from Adrienne during the week.  She had to pick up the boys from school and wanted to know where I was (she was hoping not to have to wake him).  I'm ashamed to say I didn't pay enough attention to the texts to go and help her out.  I guess she'll have to pick up the phone next time.

I got the following 2 pictures off of Instagram.


We fit in another fun day over the weekend--this time at Bear Lake--It was Crista's idea to take the boat up Friday night and have dinner with Crista's family. Spend the night, go boating, and end the day with a play at the Pickleville Theater.  We have never been there before and it's probably been 10 years since we've had the boat on Bear Lake.  The play was called "Who Shot Juanito Bandito."  The actors were hilarious and it was a lot of fun.  It was LONG, though--it started at 4:30 and ended at about 6:45.  We think it was extra long because it was closing night and the actors got a little carried away with ad-libbing.  Crista was surprised when I told her what time it was.  She didn't realize the play went so long because she loved every minute of it.  Crista is like her dad--a cruise director.  She's good at planning things and making decisions.  We had a great time.

The air was quite cool when we got started, but by early afternoon it was 80 degrees.
Caitlyn was the only one who ventured in the water for a quick dip.

Greta and Ruby--Crista had made sandwiches
for our lunch.
Matt, Ruby, Crista and Greta

Caitlyn, Matt and Greta

I have to admit  I spent a lot of time reading.  I was into a sad, but
good book and had a hard time putting it down.
(It was called, "Before we were Yours")
Matt captured this picture, just before Ruby slid over and knocked
Greta onto the rocks below.

Matt and Ruby

Ruby and Grandpa driving the boatr
Greta and grandpa driving the boat

Crista and Greta
Dan sent me this picture of Dojin along with a video
where he was drinking the contents of the jar--Kimchi juice.
No thank you, but it looks like he enjoyed it.

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