Sunday, October 13, 2019

Is life back to normal yet?

We finished up all the wedding celebrations for Jordan and Jennie, and were able to enjoy all the family a little bit longer before Elise returned to Georgia.  It was great to be able to go to a shower for Peter and Mykael at Charlotte's home before left so we could have one last cousin reunion.  Unfortunately Elise's plane left at 5:45 am on Tuesday morning, so Roy had to get up at 4:30 to take them to the airport.  Max and Mav came in to give me a kiss goodbye and Bev waved at me in the doorway.  Max was wide awake and ready to go.  Mav was in zombie land, and Bev was happy for the time being, but apparently screamed on the plane until she finally fell asleep.  Losing two hours was a little hard on Max because he had to go to school the next day and the teachers worked with him all morning catching him up on tests and everything else he missed.  He told his mom that she was waking him up way too early.

I already told this story to several people, but I couldn't keep Beverly out of my pantry--she liked helping herself to ice from the ice maker, and playing with the water in the water dispenser.  When I realized she wouldn't walk by any of my Halloween witches without someone helping her, I had a great idea!  I put the scariest witch (that stands full size) inside the pantry.  She didn't even try to get in there anymore.  I wish I had thought of that earlier!!!  The problem is, the witch startled a few adults when they walked in there, too.

School pictures are starting to come in.  I got some of Ori, Max and Mav:  The crown on Ori's head is there because of me taking a picture of a picture with bad lighting :)

I was busy all week--I had a water aerobics workshop to earn CEC's on Friday and Saturday--I felt like I was coming down with a cold, but fought it because I didn't have time to be sick (I feel like I've been fighting it since we left for Italy).  When I finally had down time, the cold caught up with me and I kind of crashed today.  Since I was crashing, and Nick and Sara both had to teach 2nd hour in their ward, and Roy was going to their ward to hear a homecoming talk, I told Nick to drop his sick girls off to me.  I was able to sit and hold and play with Avie and Effie.  On the way to my house Effie asked Nick, "When do we get to have Jennie's wedding again."  When he told her we were done with Jennie's wedding because she was married and that only happens once, she said, "I'm married."  Nick explained that she is too young to be married.  She told him she had a boyfriend and Nick asked who it was.  She said, "Jordan."  She must not have completely given up on celebrating Jennie's wedding again because she asked me the same question while I was  tending her.

Phil sent out a poem that my father wrote about forgiveness.  I thought I'd type it up here to share with all of you.

In Retrospect
Twelve years have passed since my day of sorry;
Rejected by one whose success a promise (and no little toil) 
To be rejected in business is as old as greed,
But when administered by one admired and loved...
Too intense to describe was the feeling of loss.

Resultant anxiety, confusion, doubts of one's basic talents;
An uncertain future, a family to provision and guard...
We see much of this now due to perilous times; 
Each family so troubled must bear similar burdens.
Who can feel their tragedy and empathize sincerely?

The story goes on; defeat must not succeed.  
The darkest moment does come, the way from there is up.
My chest so troubled, no comfort or solace at hand.
Forced to my knees, alone, I spoke to the unseen power.
In so short a moment all clouds disappeared.

The assurance was real, the chest pains assuaged.  
Fear not was the message; your promise is in force.
Shake off the troubles, your life is ahead.
Trust in Me, do good...I will lead you by the hand.
Reach upward, face life with hope, there are many ways.

The instrument causing the wound was extracted; that's certain.
But the scar remains; love latent and deep, yet never the same.
There is no time further to dwell on vicissitudes past.
For retrospection yields answers not foreseen.
The promise was kept, O ye of little faith, awake and believe.

The guiding hand has been present, protection granted.
Mundane decisions, negatory of  success, kept from fruition.  
What seemed like great loss has resulted in blessings.
More thoughtfulness for others, a better ordered family.
Let even the scar disappear; gratitude demands this of me.

May all those whose lives may be dark and full of fear
Approach their Maker sincerely and with heartfelt resolve.
"Trust in the Lord and do good, and He will give thee answer..."
It is not His purpose for yearning souls to live in darkness.  
The lesson of history to all... "come unto me ye that are heavy laden."

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