Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Jordan and Jennie's wedding

To celebrate Jordan and Jennie's upcoming marriage, Jordan's friends the Kjars had us over to a beautiful dinner, the night after we returned home from Italy.  They had been Jordan's Sunday School teachers during the time that the other boys in that group befriended him and helped bring him into the church.  Two of those boys were also at the dinner.  We ate prime rib, homemade rolls, mashed potatoes, etc. with pie for dessert.  You could see the that Kjars really cared about Jordan and these boys.  Also at the dinner were all of Jennie's siblings and Jordan's sister, Ariana.

Bro. Kjar is at the head of the table, and then Shawna Essig--his sister-in-law
and Jordan and Jennie's bishop's wife.  We knew the Essigs well, from when
Roy was a High Councilor in the singles ward.

Also in celebration of the upcoming marriage, Elise and her 3 children came to stay for the week.  The first morning they were there, Caitlyn and I took Max and Mav and went ice skating.  They loved it.  They skated until they had blisters on their ankles.  I put a band-aid on Max and he was ready to continue skating, but Mav was done.  The 2nd time we went skating, Max skated most of the time without a walker.

The wedding day was wonderful and long!  The wedding was at 11:15 in the Bountiful temple (# 6 of my children to get married there).  I think the matrons love bride duty, because they are so kind and so willing to help with everything.  The bride's dressing room is so beautiful and peaceful.  We were grateful that Jennie and Jordan chose to seal their marriage in the house of the Lord.
I honestly don't remember much about the ceremony, but Phil wrote the following in his letter.

 "It was a very nice ceremony. The sealer said something that stood out to me. He mentioned the commandment that we are not to speak evil of the Lord’s anointed. Then he pointed out that everyone in that sealing room was the Lord’s anointed. That has a much broader application than I had thought about before. But certainly, we shouldn’t speak evil of anyone."

Caitlyn, Mahala and Lily watched the children while everyone else attended the wedding.  I don't know who we'll get to watch everyone when Caitlyn gets married.  As you can see from the pictures, the children were fairly well behaved.  Roy said it was probably the spirit of the temple that calmed them.

Bev and Mav waiting in the waiting room

Ori and Effie 

Hyeji and Yuna (Yuna kept sliding these glasses on for the formal wedding pictures)


Effie, Ruby, Yuna and Ori actually sitting quietly

Jordan's cousin Lily with Bridget, Theo (Jordan's nephew) and Lily's boyfriend

Greta, Doyeon, Ruby and Hyeji

Nick, Avie, Dan, Crista, Bridget, and Matt (with Max's forehead)

Lucky for everyone reading this letter, we don't have the official pictures back yet, but we have a lot taken by the family.  I say luckily, because there's already too many pictures.  When there are so many in the family, you have to take a lot just to try and get everyone.

Avie, Ori, Yuna, Effie and Mav

Bev and Max

Dojin, Greta, Ruby, Ori, Yuna, Effie, Doeyon, Mav, Hyeji and Bevy

My grandchildren, Jordan and Jennie and a few extra children thrown in (Jordan's family)

Our side of the family

Christy Cunningham took a lot of pictures afterwards, and at the end liked her lighting so much that we didn't get done until about 15 minutes before we were to be at the luncheon.  All of us needed a quick stop at home to drop off the flowers.

Vicky Belnap sponsored the luncheon.  It was lovely, with chicken cordon bleu and homemade sides.  Here, we met Jordan's parents (and older sister, and adopted brother) for the first time.  We had previously met his grandparents, several aunts, and cousins, as well as his younger sister, Ariana.

Jordan's dad (Hank), KJ, his adopted brother, and Jennie.  Ruby and Greta are
on their laps.  Jordan really attracts the kids.

Jieun, Adrienne, AJ, Caitlyn, Dan, Crista and Matt

Elise and Beverly

Kristi and Mahala (Jennie's friends and Mahala is Sara's sister).
Avie and Nick
Christine, Charlotte and Phil

Grayson, Patti, Jed, Troy and Tiffany  

Bruce, Barb, Steve, Christine and Charlotte

Crista and Matt
Caitlyn and Crista

Elise, Nan and Evan Theobald

Dave and Becky and Glenn and Rosilene were there, too, but so far I haven't found a picture.

Ariana asked me if I was going to toast the couple.  I said that since it was their dinner, it was up to them.  She figured she'd already toasted them, so decided that was enough.  I was happy to just eat without all the fuss.

We had about an  hour down time to visit with Christine, and Barb and Bruce at our home before it was time for more pictures.  We were so blessed--it was the only day in at least 10 days that was warm enough that we could attempt to follow through with our garden wedding plans.  It was cold for several days after as well.  Philip kindly lent us two heat lamps, and we had a fire in the fire pit.  I wore a sweater and was fine all evening, except that my feet got cold.

I don't have many reception pictures.  I'll do a different post when I get some.  I had a friend from the ward that volunteered to take pictures there after Christy was done.  He said he knew Christy. 
Adrienne took a few pictures while it was still light in the yard.

Nick and Matt
Jieun, Adrienne and Ila

AJ, Adrienne and Ila


Cutting the cake 

Alittle unflattering :)
Caitlyn, Crista, Adrienne and Ila

I'm not sure if this is before or after, but in any case, the kids were tired.
This is taken in Adrienne's house.

If you're not bored of pictures yet--we had family all weekend!  We did get to watch 4 out of the 5 general conference sessions without too much interruption.

"We love technology..." especially during conference!

Effie had mosquite bites leftover from
the reception.  She was so swollen Sara
took her to the Instacare where Caitlyn works
and they put her on antibiotics.

Gunnar and Hyeji gleaning the produce from the yard.

And one more fire in the pit.


I loved General Conference and am looking forward to the next one.  It sounds exciting.  I have to admit, I was slightly disturbed when they said there will be no stake YM president, but I seem to have been left right where I was before :)  [Not really.  I like my calling.]


  1. The comment about the "Kjars" (pronounced "cares") caring was pretty awesome. Two small corrections: 1. Caitlyn, Crista, and Elise were not at the wedding dinner (you said all of Jennie's siblings were there). 2. The YM presidencies at the ward level have been dissolved. The stake and general YM presidencies will continue.

    1. They were at the wedding dinner--but not at the Kjar's dinner.
