Sunday, June 3, 2018

More end of school year stuff--plus a relaxing weekend in Flaming Gorge :)

These past two weeks have consisted of winding up the school year for our child--Caitlyn, and our grandchildren that are in school.  We were able to attend Gunnar's end of year program.  His was a very large first grade class (4 classes together) and they sang fabulously.  I think they must have sang all the songs they sang over the year, because they went through every holiday.  Gunnar knew all the words.  Unfortunately, he was on the back row and was a little hard for me to see, but I got a few glimpses.

Dan finally caught on that Adrienne and Sara had invited us to their end of year programs, so we got an invitation to Doyeon's kindergarten graduation.  It was last minute, but even with a dentist  appointment earlier, I was able to get over there (with Ruby) to watch her "graduate." 

The teacher said something about each of the children.  She said that she thought Doyeon was the most beautiful girl in the school.  I'm not sure the other parents liked that.  Of course, I agree with her, though Hyeji goes to the same school and is just as beautiful.  Jieun told me that Doyeon might want to go by Catharine in the future.  I told her that if she does, she ought to start soon or she'll confuse everybody.

For memorial day we de-winterized the trailer and took it up to the Gorge for a relaxing weekend.  We didn't take the boat for 2 reasons.  1) We can't pull both the boat and the trailer at the same time, and 2) we figured the water was COLD!  I'm sure it was, and it was windy as well, but there were some boats on the lakes, and some acquaintances of ours were up there and they used wet suits and water skied.  We aren't that brave.  

Dan and Nick and their families came with us.  Adrienne skipped out for obvious reasons (Ila), and of course Elise couldn't make it (we'll take her in August).  Crista and Matt were out of town.  The Vance grandparents were babysitting the girls until Tuesday morning when I took over.  I have them now and they are napping (Wednesday).  I need to check on them because Ruby's been asleep for almost 3 hours.  Greta went down an hour or so after Ruby and I was worried I'd wake Ruby up, but she must be exhausted because she slept right through.

Effie, Ori, Doyeon, Dojin and Yuna
Dojin and Effie

Yuna, Doyeon, Hyeji, Effie and Ori

Hyeji, Ori, Effie, Dojin, Doyeon and Yuna

We took our favorite hike twice.  Once with just Caitlyn, Roy, Hyeji and me; and the other with everyone.  We didn't think they would go all the way because we were worried the girls would get tired and complain.  Of course, they didn't want to turn around till we were there--and we did get some complaints on the way back.  Doyeon was in flip flops and said that her feet hurt, and Yuna, though being carried on Caitlyn's shoulders whined all the way back that she didn't know it was so far.  She was also worried they wouldn't make it back.  Ori held my hand and didn't complain once.  

Here are some more pictures of our little vacation:

Jennie didn't go with us because she went to St. George with a friend.  She was excited to hike and chill, but it turned out her friend didn't really like to hike and hated the heat, so she was happy to get home.

While we were gone and enjoying ourselves, Gunnar fell off the monkey bars and broke his arm.  Luckily it's the type of fracture that heals quickly.  He doesn't have to have a cast, and he should be back in action in a couple of weeks.  Roy and I took Ruby and Greta over to visit Gunnar last night.  He seemed in good spirits.  I think he likes having a bit of TV time.  

Ollie was practicing baseball.  He is getting pretty
good.  Roy and Ruby and Greta and I all went to
Farmington to watch his last baseball game of the year.
As I mentioned above, I tended Ruby and Greta from Tuesday to Thursday night.  I was so busy caring for them, I didn't take many pictures, but Adrienne took some when I took them swimming for an hour on Thursday.  You can see from Greta's face that she wasn't quite sure about everything, but when I would ask her if she wanted to get out, she would shake her head, "no."  Ruby was so excited to go swimming, but she didn't actually want to swim.  We convinced her to get in and try it out, but she spent most of the hour on the deck.

Living with grandma Lisa must be fun!

Friday morning I got a picture of Matt with his girls, just before they headed for home.  He was glad to see them, and they were glad to see their parents.  When asked if she was ready to go home, however, Ruby said, "No."

The highlight of this past two weeks could be Caitlyn's graduation from high school.  It's hard to believe that after 32 years of having children in school, our baby graduated.  Of course, we still have students--Caitlyn will go to USU in the fall, Dan is studying for a 2nd masters degree at Berkley (on-line), this time in computers, and Andy is still working on his medical degree.

 We took one photo without the robes--she made this dress herself, in sewing class at school.  It turned out really nice.
Rachel Anderson, Annika Anderson, Caitlyn, Chiayee Jones, and Cate Cook

Following graduation, we took Caitlyn to celebrate at Market Street Grill.  She had the early bird special, which came with ice cream.  Roy ordered key lime pie, and I decided I'd just have a taste of Caitlyn's ice cream.  She ordered chocolate, and the waiter, when repeating the order, said, "caramel?" and we all said, "chocolate."  He must have had caramel on the brain because he still brought her caramel.  Because I had wanted a taste of chocolate ice cream, I said, "she ordered chocolate."  When the waiter went to take her ice cream, Caitlyn said, "no, no, don't worry, it's fine."  So she began eating her ice cream.  After a minute or two, he showed up with chocolate.  The following pictures were Caitlyn and I eating her ice cream--we put the whole scoop on the spoon for effect, but we really didn't eat it this way.  So--I was trying to be good and not eat dessert, but I ended up eating dessert anyway.  Thwarted once again because I can't turn it down if it's right in front of me.

After dinner Caitlyn went home for a nap before the all-night graduation party at Bountiful High.  Roy and I drove to Mapleton Canyon for a YSA all-night party.  My all night ended at about 10:45 when I went to bed.  Roy stayed up for another hour or so and enjoyed the YSA.  Jennie came down early and was there when we arrived.  She had to work the next day, so she left around 1:30 or so.  I think most of the kids were asleep by 3 or 4.  We stayed at a large lodge built by Elder Robbins (of the Seventy).  He has since donated this mansion to BYU, with provisions for use by his family.  His daughter is in our ward, but is turning 30 and moving on to the older singles ward, so this is the last year we'll have access to the lodge.  

We got up for an early breakfast Saturday night.  Several of the YSA's went on a hike and a few leaders went as well.  Roy and I didn't plan on going, so we weren't dressed for it.  Instead we tried to hurry home, but an accident on I-15 prevented haste.  We worked on the yard and the boat for most of the rest of the day.  Nick came over to help wax the boat.  I played with Effie while weeding, etc.  We checked out the gardens and found that our radishes were a bit overgrown:

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