Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hard week for my kids this week.

Greta and Ruby
I was able to spend a little time with Greta and Ruby this week.  Crista had to go to the hospital for a procedure, so I helped out for the day.  I was sorry I didn't spend the night and help her a little the next day, too. 
While I was in Logan I got a call from Adrienne--on her way to Primary Children's hospital--again.  This time it was Finn, he fell off a bar stool at the Green's home and had a concussion (exact same accident as he had 2 years ago).  He was throwing up and lethargic, so she took him in.  They watched him for 4 hours and sent him home.  The doctor said, "No swimming, and no activities that could cause a repeat head injury for a week...He will probably have a headache and not feel well 
for a few days, so have him take it easy."  This doctor obviously doesn't know Finn.  They got home and the first thing he said was, "Can we go swimming?"  He certainly didn't take it easy.  He and Ollie made me super nervous when they were over to my house on Friday.  They kept trying to wrestle and I was so afraid Finn would hurt his head.

Poor Nick and Hyeji, they both got the stomach flu at the end of our Lake Powell trip last weekend and spent most of the week sick.  Effie caught the bug, too

On a happier note.  Max turned 5 on Wednesday.  Happy Birthday Max.  Elise put lots of time into the decorations and activities.  It was obvious they had a blast.
Hyeji wearing the dress my mom made for me about 50 years ago.
I believe he got the fabric in the Phillippines

Roy and I saw a really fun play at the Legacy Centerpoint Theater this week.  Crazy for You.  The talent was amazing.  It made both of us want to go again and see the other cast.  

Roy spent the weekend at his annual Ham Radio camp.

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