Saturday, June 9, 2018

Horseback riding with Grandpa Roy

I have such a great husband.  He's always coming up with things to do that will make other's happy.  This week he arranged to have all of the grand kids that could make it, to come ride horses with one of his YSA's.  Her name is Allison and she teaches riding.  She told Roy that he didn't have to pay her, but of course he wanted to.  She let the kids have as many rides as they wanted, as long as they had a helmet on.  They were busy riding for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.  After they finished riding, we were able to have a look around the farm.  There were chickens and a great big Tom turkey.  I should have taken a picture of the turkey.  It was awesome.  Allison's mom said that they had tried to raise turkeys, but they couldn't keep the babies alive, so this one was just a pet.  I'm sure he wouldn't be very edible anymore.  He was huge.  The kids also got to see bunnies, goats, and sheep.


Dojin (he did ride the horse, I just missed the picture)

Finn with Yuna (the pony is Sugar)

Ollie.  He told Allison that he wanted
to be called Oliver.


Friday night, still thinking of others, Roy went down to Santaquin and picked up his dad from the care center.  He brought him up to Salt Lake to a Bee's game.  Adrienne's family met him there.  Sometimes good deeds backfire to some extent.  As Verl was pushing his wheeled walker towards the seating area, he hit a crack in the pavement.  The walker grabbed, and both Verl and the walker tipped over.  Verl fell, bruising his thumb and the side of his face, and scraping multiple areas of his face and hands.  He looks pretty beat up.  Roy said that the EMT's were fabulous.  They bandaged him up and made sure that they had seats where Verl didn't have to navigate any stairs.  Adrienne and her family were included in the new seating area, which was superior to where the original seats were.  The EMT's kept coming by and checking on Verl, and they gave a foul baseball to the boys.  Ollie was so sweet.  He asked grandpa Roy if he thought his great grandpa might like to keep the baseball.  He offered it to Verl, who looked it over and gave it back.  He said that Ollie ought to keep it.  Verl came to our home for the weekend.  We'll take him back to Santaquin on our way to Lake Powell following church tomorrow.

 On Saturday we went to Hyeji's piano recital.  She did a great job, even playing her own composition as one of her two numbers.  I loved it (Especially because Dojin sat on my lap for the entire 45 minute recital).

 Elise shared these pictures of Mav this week.  She was showing us his curly hair.  We compared a picture of him with one of  Dan at nearly 2.  There is a family resemblance.

Dan (at Christine's wedding, about 23 months old)


Mav--2 1/2

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