Monday, December 10, 2018

The week in pictures (and a summary of a leadership meeting)

Dojin's winter attire

The Jackson home in Houston
Andy went all out this year.  Elise says
she is usually opposed to blow-up decorations
but the boys love this one!

Max, Mav, Elise and Bev

We hung out with Crista this weekend as Matt was out of town on work.  We also had a very chaotic, but wonderful Sunday dinner with most of the family (Crista and Elise and their families did not join us).

Jennie, Avie and Ori
Roy and Avi (She's always so happy)

Oli, me, Nick and Effie

AJ, Adrienne, Doyeon, Ila and Gunnar

Dan and Jieun

Gunnar and Hyeji
 Unfortunately, due to long Saturday meetings, we missed a dance recital featuring Ori.  Sara sent me pictures (by my request), and a video.  She did a great job and obviously loved it.  She was the tallest in her group.

Ori and her friend Rory

Gunnar had a piano recital earlier in the week.
I missed it, but Roy managed to catch it.

The meeting I attended was a leadership meeting that included leaders from 9 stakes.  There was a lot of great information shared with us.  I've summarized the meeting below so read on if you're interested.  If not, no problem.

As Stake Young Women’s President, I was invited to a Stake leadership meeting that was under the direction of an area authority.  At first I didn’t read the fine print, because the Stake YW’s presidency was not listed among those invited to attend.  A later email was brought to my attention by my counselors because we were suddenly on the list.  I verified with the Stake Clerk that we were invited.  Honestly I’d been happy we weren’t on the list because I knew the meeting would be held for several hours on a Saturday.  However, when I finally did read the fine print, I saw that an apostle and other authorities would be in attendance.  After that I was more than happy to be on the list (a bad attitude that needs to be worked on). 
The apostle in attendance was Elder Gary E. Stephenson.  The area authority was Elder Raymond A Cutler, and the 70’s were Elder Brook P. Hales (the newest member of the Seventies), and Elder Randy D. Funk.
The theme of Elder Stephenson’s talk was this scripture:
D&C 1:17 Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments; 
This scripture is representative of the opening of the heavens, revelation, and great blessings to come.  He then inserted the name of President Russell M. Nelson in the place of Joseph Smith, Jr.  and talked about all of the revelation in the past few years.  He said the heavens are still opened and we are receiving a “waterfall of revelation.”  He mentioned the following:
2012: The age for missionary service was changed
2013: “Come Follow me” for youth was instigated
2015: Emphasis from the First Presidency and the 12 apostles on improving our Sabbath Day Observance as a church.
2018: Ministering, Expanded Priesthood Quorums, 
2019: The new home based, church supported curriculum
(I think I missed some on the list). 
Elder Stephenson said that times are changing and our children and grandchildren NEED the gospel EVERY SINGLE DAY in the home. 
Some of the reasons for these changes include: Deepening conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ; strengthening home and family; honoring the Sabbath with a focus on the Sacrament.
Elder Stephenson shared a personal story on honoring the Sabbath.  He joked that every day feels like the Sabbath to him in his call as an apostle. One rare Sunday he was home with his family.  “And I LOVE breakfast,” he told us.  He proceeded to cook the bacon, the eggs, the pancakes.  He said, “I went all out and made 'Everything.'  Soon my son walked into the kitchen, looked at all the food and said, “Dad, what are you doing?  It’s Fast Sunday!!!”  Elder Stephenson said, “If ever an apostle was tempted…” 
Elder Stephenson closed his remarks with a quote from the prophet:
“We’re witnesses to a process of restoration.  If you think the Church has been fully restored, you’re just seeing the beginning. There is much more to come. … Wait till next year. And then the next year. Eat your vitamin pills. Get your rest. It’s going to be exciting.”
Elder Funk  spoke on ministering.  Ministering means “more caring, not less.”  He spoke of some women who feel abandoned under the new program because  people don’t understand “ministering” so they have stopped visiting.  He emphasized that some sisters need a monthly visit.  He said that the most important thing is to have the Holy Ghost in our lives so that we can be guided as to how we should minister to each individual.  The two greatest commandments are to Love the Lord with all your mind, might and strength, and then to love your neighbor as yourself.  I have heard other leaders say that this 2nd greatest commandment might be the most difficult of all the commandments to live. 
So, in order to have the Holy Ghost in our lives we need to “Feast upon the words of Christ”.   Revelation can come to us as we’re pondering the scriptures.  Also, having and using a current temple recommend is very important to having the spirit in our lives.  He quoted President Nelson saying that the new temples that are being built around the world probably won’t personally affect our lives, but attending the temple regularly will affect and bless our lives. 
Elder Hales also spoke on ministering and how important the gift of the Holy Ghost is.  He said that this gift is the greatest gift any mortal can have in this life.  The Nephites, after Christ had ministered to them, prayed for that which they most desired.  They desired that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them.  He asked us, “What do you desire most?”  We are to notice simple feelings, thoughts and impressions and listen for these promptings.  Some things that can help us gain the Holy Ghost in our lives is increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, and daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon.  Revelation can be totally unrelated to what we are reading or studying,  but thoughts and impressions will come to us.
Also, it is important to spend time in the Temple and on Family History work.  It can be miraculous in our lives.  We can’t discount the blessings of the Temple.  Elder Hales said, “When I have the spirit with me, I love everybody!  When I don’t, well…people get on my nerves!”  We can also help others to achieve a deeper, personal conversion.
Elder Cutler spoke about Moses and his frustrations in dealing with the problems of all the people.  He even wished he could die rather than continue.  He emphasized that we are all to be involved in the work.  He quoted numbers 11:29  would God that all the Lord’s people were prophetsand that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!”  He assured us that the only way we can fail is to do nothing. 
There was a question and answer session for the last of the 2.75 hours and some great thoughts and ideas came out of the discussion.  One of the questions was how do we deal with families in our ministering where one or more members of the family are losing their testimonies.  We were told to honor agency, love people for where they are and continue to be an example of the Savior ourselves (and NEVER give up.)  Listen, love, assure, and encourage others. 
Another question was from a YW leader who was concerned about the girls in her class who did not have the support at home—how would the home based curriculum work for them.  The leaders all said that this has been a concern, but that this is where ministering really needs to come in.  These YW (and others in similar situations) need to be invited into the homes of those who are doing the curriculum.  They need to be included by their leaders and others.  I thought it was interesting how all of the new revelations build on each other.  Ministering needed to be in place for this new home-based curriculum to happen. 
It really was an excellent way to spend a Saturday early in the month of the Savior.  It helped me to focus my thoughts on what should matter this month.  The Savior, His atonement, the restoration, and following the prophet.

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