Sunday, December 16, 2018

The beginning of Christmas festivities for 2018

Our cute Beverly.  The Jackson's celebrated their Christmas early so that
Santa wouldn't have to move presents from Texas to Utah.

Dojin has been finding all kinds of ways to
make messes for his parents to clean up--
this mess is shaving cream.  He also got glitter
everywhere earlier this week.
Roy and I took Hyeji and Gunnar to Wizard of Oz
at the Hale Center theater this week.  The kids loved it.
There were a lot of fun special effects.

No snow in Texas.  Max and Beverly can still go out
driving together.

A selfie!  Roy and I went with some friends to Hardware Ranch and took
a wagon ride out to see the elk.  It was fun seeing them up close and personal.

 There were a couple of buck, but only one with a really big rack.  The guide said that he was probably nursing an injury because the males don't usually hang around.

Friends from the ward: Me and Roy, Karen and Tim Garner, and Troy and Kathy
Atkinson.  Kathy was the instigator of this event.  We enjoyed dinner at Maddocks
afterward.  It was a fun way to spend the day.

All the Christmas events/parties and activities are in full force.  We had book club out my house Wednesday night.  In December it's a party--we don't read a book--and we invite the husbands.  We had a delicious dinner and a nice relaxed evening.  The guests must have enjoyed themselves because they stayed a lot later than normal.
Thursday night we had Roy's work for the 5th (?) year in a row--just once I'd like to go out for a nice Christmas dinner with his work--oh well, maybe next year :)
Saturday morning was my staff Christmas party with all the other Water Aerobic instructors.  We had a killer breakfast buffet (I was full all day), and had a good time with a gift exchange.  Most of the gifts were nice, but one gift was a baseball cap that said, "I pee in pools."  Luckily I didn't get that gift to bring home.  I'll have to make sure to watch out that I don't get it next year, because if I'm guessing right,  it'll be back.

Sunday Evening Walk 
 Also, by way of announcement, Andy and Elise will be moving to Augusta, Georgia this coming summer for Andy to do his residency.  He graduates in May.

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