Sunday, August 19, 2018

Shakespeare Festival

Roy took Elise and the boys to the airport
It looks like they went back to sleep pretty quickly

 Elise left early Monday morning.  We missed the boys and Beverly right away.  It’s hard to have them live so far away.  I spent Monday catching up on housework--and in the early afternoon skated--first by myself and then with Ollie, Finn and Gunnar.  We took Nan and Bruce to Pirates of Penzance Monday night at the Centerpoint Legacy Theater.  I’ve seen the play before, but I enjoyed it a lot more this time.  It’s an unusual operetta, so it helped to know what I was getting into.  Bruce and Nan almost cancelled because Bruce got a cold in his eye.  He looked pretty terrible, but we went anyway and Roy and I stayed healthy!  Tuesday after teaching water aerobics, I kind of crashed, so it became a recovery day and by Wednesday I was able to spend some time sewing and get a quilt started for Avie Rain.  Thursday morning Roy and I left for Cedar City for a few days of plays.

If you count the play on Monday night, we really maxed out on plays this week.  We saw four Shakespeare plays: Henry VI part 1, Merchant of Venice, Othello, and The Merry Wives of Windsor.  We also saw The Foreigner, which we have seen many times, but I don't think we ever enjoyed it more.  The actors were fabulous and the main actor was so physically talented (he was even doing back bends on stage as he tried to slink out of sight of other actors) that we were highly entertained.
I learned a lot about the Shakespeare plays this time, and was left with a lot of food for thought.  It's amazing that someone who wrote plays 100's of years ago was so talented that he left the legacy that he did.  The play, Merchant of Venice, was written because Queen Elizabeth's lover had killed a jew. He wanted to feel okay about it, so he asked Marlo and Shakespeare to write anti-semantic plays.  Apparently, Marlo did just that.  He wrote an ugly, vile play.  Shakespeare, however, wrote a play that was seemingly anti-semantic, but has underlying tones that make you feel sympathy for the Jew.  The Jew was played by a woman, who did such a good job that I didn't even know she was a woman until someone told me the next morning at breakfast.  She has a Jewish background and her grandfather (or great grandfather) took his own life after spending time in a Jewish concentration camp during WWII.  She also runs a women only Shakespeare company where all the parts are acted by women.  The play was staged so that it was obvious that the "Christians" in the story, ruined the life of the Jewish man and even his daughter's life.  The monologues of the Jew in the play showed that Shakespeare understood people of many backgrounds a lot better than most of those who lived in his day.
Othello was a dark tragedy.  I'd heard of the story, but I'm not sure I've ever read it.  It was superbly acted.  Shakespeare would take a character flaw and show how that flaw could escalate until it destroyed--in this case several lives.
As usual, there was one play we didn't see and as usual, we regretted not getting tickets to it.  We had seen Big River and decided that we didn't need to see it again, but we heard such great things about it we were disappointed we couldn't find a way to fit it in.
While we were in Cedar City, we spent one morning in the Cedar City Temple.

It is a very small temple, but beautiful.  Most of the colors throughout were soft pastels, but there were stained glass windows with big red flowers to accent the celestial room as well as some of the hallways and stairwells.  The Bountiful temple is closed for three weeks, so we were glad we got an opportunity to attend while we were there.
While we were in Cedar City, Jennie babysat Dan and Jieun's kids overnight for them so they could celebrate their 10th anniversary, and Caitlyn participated in a skating competition and took a couple of skating tests.  See videos below.

Pictures from the week:

Mav had a little mom time without his brother

Caitlyn skated in a competition and got 1st place.
The category was artistic/dramatic.  She choreographed
her whole program.  Annika was the only one who went
to watch her perform.
Max started school practically as soon as he arrived
back in Texas.  Here he is on his 1st day!


Caitlyn went shopping and found a cute
new dress while we were gone.

Below are 2 skating videos (if you didn't see them on Facebook.
The 1st is the competition where Caitlyn took 1st place, 
the 2nd is a Skating test.  She falls on the last jump, which was her
easiest one, but she was able to reskate just the jump and
passed the test.
Effie having a "late" Sunday afternoon
nap.  Of course she falls asleep at 5:00.

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