Monday, May 21, 2018

End of the school year

May is always a busy month with the end of the school year.  Roy's and my life will change somewhat following Caitlyn's graduation in a couple of weeks.  We've always planned our life around the school schedule, and now we won't have to do that anymore.  Caitlyn will go up to Utah State in the fall, but we won't be empty nesters because we still have Jennie at home.  Caitlyn had her senior pictures done this past week by Christy Cunningham.  As usual, she did a beautiful job.  Here are a few of the pictures:

 Caitlyn and Jennie did a lot of babysitting this week, so I didn't do much.  Jennie tended Dan's kids one night, and Jed Cook's kids another night.  Caitlyn took Yuna skating on Thursday (Jieun took a picture of an empty skating rink, so Caitlyn headed right over).


  On Saturday, Caitlyn had Adrienne's boys for a couple of hours.  We helped her out by visiting the Chalk Art Festival in Bountiful.  The boys loved it and Gunnar enjoyed taking pictures of the various pieces of art.  We chose to take a picture of everyone by this piece, which was drawn by a young girl in our ward.

Artist, Emily Erickson.  Her great grandmother
was a sister to Roy's grandma.
We loved this one, too.  Mary Poppins and the children
ready to jump into the chalk pictures.

                           (Gunnar liked this one)
As is normal in May, we were able to attend some end of year school programs.  Ollie graduated from pre-school as did Ori.  They both went to the same pre-school, but different days and times.  I went to Ollie's program, and Roy went to Ori's.  Yuna also achieved the same amazing milestone, and she had a program, too, but we didn't know about it.  We got a picture though, and saw how well she was dressed (note the shoes). I left my phone in the car, so I didn't take any pictures of Ollie.  I will add  one when she sends it to me :)


As usual, Roy performed service at St. Vincent D'Paul with the YSA's. 

Wrapping up the school year also means recitals.  Caitlyn gave our family a private senior recital.  Her teacher accompanied all but one of her songs.  Annika (her friend) also played a cello duet with her.  Unfortunately she missed her seminary graduation because of this recital.  She didn't mind too much since they do it by stake and she doesn't know a lot of people in our new stake.
Our bishop and at least one of the boys in our ward were disappointed she didn't show.
Emily Rice (violin teacher and member of the Temple Square
Orchestra) and Caitlyn
Since we are heading out of town for Memorial Day, Dan and Jieun thought we'd get a jump on visiting Tom's grave.  They purchased flowers and we made a visit to the cemetery after a long  Saturday morning working on the yard.  After putting the flowers on the grave we were told that we couldn't leave them there until Thursday, as they are getting the cemetery ready for Memorial Day.  We enjoyed our time there and then took the flowers home with us to return them later.

It was a beautiful day to visit the grave.  

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