Monday, May 14, 2018

Hyeji's baptism

Same picture as last week
Adelaide Hyeji Rasband
Baptized May 12, 2018

One of the most important events of each of our lives is when we are baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints.  Hyeji had this wonderful opportunity yesterday.  I gave the talk on baptism, and then we went into the room with the baptismal font, and Daniel baptized his oldest child (and my oldest grandchild).  I felt the spirit so strongly, and the thought went through my mind that this is an example of having "joy and rejoicing in my posterity."  After the baptism, we went back into the chapel where Roy gave a talk on the Holy Ghost, and Jennie and Caitlyn sang, "Gethsemane".  Then Hyeji was confirmed a member of the church.  I want her to know that I am so pleased with her desire to be baptized.  I love her.
I only took one picture on the day of the baptism.  It should have been of Hyeji, but it wasn't:  Dan didn't take any pictures either.  I think he'll get everyone dressed up next Sunday and take some "Baptism" pictures.

After the baptism, we all convened at our home and had a lovely Korean lunch. Jieun served bulgogi with all the trimmings.  There were several people from Dan's ward as well as some of their Korean friends.  The 2nd counselor in the bishopbric thanked me for raising such a great son.

Saturday night we went to Tuchanos Restaurant (because they give birthday coupons and May is Roy's birthday month).  We invited anyone in the family who wanted to come along.  Nick and Sara came, and Crista and Matt, and the four girls.  Kids under 7 eat free, so that was nice.  The restaurant is located in the downtown Gateway mall, which is practically a ghost town, but it appears they are trying to fix it up.  They had a lot of play equipment, so after dinner we hung out for a while and enjoyed the weather (cool, breezy, but fairly nice).

Heeyoung had another missionary discussion this past week.  The missionaries asked her if she was reading anything of the Book of Mormon.  She said she had no interest.  I think she is somewhat interested in the church, though.  Of course, they told her that the Book of Mormon was key.  I told her a Book of Mormon Story (Ammon and the King's flocks) and told her one way to relate it to our own lives.  When the missionaries tried to set up another appointment, she said she'd text them.  I don't know if she really will, or if that was a brush off.

A couple of pictures of our Texas grandchildren:

Mav got an "owie"
Elise painted Max' face--and the faces of all the other
children in his pre-K class.  Of course, they
booked her for next year, now they've seen her
Jieun thinks Yuna looks like a Rasband

Dojin looks Asian!
It was a nice and quiet Mother's Day.  Thank you to all my kids for being so thoughtful to me.

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