Sunday, April 15, 2018

Welcome Ila Fae Green

We are so excited to have Ila join our family. 

Ila Fae Green
April 10, 2018
7.5 lbs.  20 1/2 inches

                                                        Welcomed with loving arms.

The boys adore their new sister.

The night before Ila's birth, Roy drove up to Farmington to help AJ give Adrienne a blessing. During the blessing  Roy thought to himself "Wow, the boys are being really reverent." just as he felt two sets of hands join his and AJ's on Adrienne's head.  

I tended the boys on the 11th. 
You can see they had a little too much excitement
on the day of Ila's birth.  Finn was exhausted.
I even took him skating with me but he was
done after 10 minutes.

Jieun brought her girls over to see their cousins.
Dojin loved being outside in the egg chair.

I am pointing out the dimple in her chin.  She's adorable.
The boys were very curious as AJ changed Ila's diaper right after AJ and Adrienne brought her home.  

Gunnar helping grandpa get the eggs

There have been so many changes in all of our wards and stakes due to the revelations we heard in conference.  Andy was called as 1st counselor in his bishopbric, and Dan was called as secretary of the new Elder's Quorum.  Both of these young men are very busy with school, but I'm sure the Lord will bless them and their families as they willingly serve.  

Quote for the week:
-David A Bednar-

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