Sunday, April 29, 2018

Roy is turning 60

And I thought 50 sounded old.

We had to celebrate!
Jieun and Crista did the decorations, Sara and Nick
did all the veggies.  Adrienne did the fruit.  Crista made cupcakes,
and  Christine made a large salad and Swig cookies.  It was quite
the spread.  If you can't tell, it was set up like a train.
Even the water bottles were themed!

Effie, Ori, Yuna, Hyeji and Ollie.  The kids had a blast

Mingling with guests.  Mark and Lisa Green, Crista and Greta,
Adrienne and myself.  

Caitlyn with Dwight and Suzanne Galloway

Adrienne, AJ and Ila

Roy with Kevin and Cheryl Anderson (he's the current bishop
of our previous ward--Bountiful 41st)

Ruby, Finn, Nick and Matt

Ruby and Finn
Dojin (he finally had the tramp to himself) 

Steve, Christine, Jieun and Dan

Yuna and Ori

Dojin (he finally got the table to himself)
Ori and Hyeji

Crista and Matt

Mike Perry, Roy and Mark Green

Sara and Jennie.  Getting tired.

Doyeon and Jennie.  Doyeon can sleep anywhere
Doyeon and Gunnar

Exhausted (Doyeon)

Caitlyn and Annika had the opportunity to play their duet in the State competition on Saturday morning.  They did fabulously.

Sunday, Jennie gave a talk in her YSA ward.  Caitlyn and Roy said she did a great job.  Unfortunately, I couldn't support her because I was teaching Relief Society in my ward.  

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Caitlyn is famous!

Caitlyn and I went skating Friday.  It's nothing new now that Caitlyn gets out of school every day by 10:30.  But when we arrived to skate, we saw a bus, always a bad sign! I went in and checked out the ice, and sure enough, there was a group of about 25 elementary students there.  We decided to skate anyway (we're pretty spoiled by nearly empty ice rinks and perfect ice).  Caitlyn began practicing her program for Spring Recital, and also some new moves she needed to know to try out for American Ice Theater (Saturday).  Pretty soon you could hear the kids clapping, and oohing over her jumps and spins.  They would gather in a group to watch her (which is one way to clear the ice for practicing).  A few of the girls asked if I could help them learn some skating moves.  I'm always happy to do that, so I showed them a few things to practice.  Towards the end of their skating time, all the kids started asking Caitlyn for her autograph.  She signed about 25 papers (napkins, receipts, etc.).  Then a little boy came up to me and asked, "Are you the one who teachers her?"  I smiled and said, "No, she's far better at skating than I am.  I'm her mom."  Then he said, "Well, I want your autograph anyway."  So I got to sign two autographs also.  Anyway, I thought I should report that Caitlyn and I are now famous!!!

We had a less eventful week because Roy and I had colds.  I guess we were exhausted from our trip and couldn't fight off the virus.  Roy's turned quickly into bronchitis, and since he's had experience with that, he got an an antibiotic.  We did see a few of our grandchildren throughout the week.  Gunnar, Ollie and Finn came over to play while Adrienne went with Ila to help her sister-in-law, Emmie, look for a wedding dress.  Roy was also able to watch a couple of their ball games.  Dan's family came over Saturday for a visit while Jieun did Caitlyn's hair for her last dance of her high school career--Prom.  I was doing the vacuuming,--catching up with chores since I haven't been doing much this past week.  Dojin took the floor vacuum piece and followed me around nearly the whole time he was there.  Apparently, he loves to clean.
Ollie and Finn
It must've been cold.  Gunnar in grandpa's jacket

Beverly had her toes painted (I assume for the 1st time)
Gunnar with the ball

Caitlyn and Nate on their Prom date.
Ori on the front right (with her stuffed lamb).  She sang a new song called
"Miracle" that they'd learned in  Primary.  She knew all the
words.  I told Sara that my children--especially my boys--did not like to
sing in front of people.  She looks great here, but later this same day she ended
up with a fever of nearly 102.

 We didn't see Ori and Effie, or Ruby and Greta (except last Sunday at family dinner).

This weekend was Stake Conference (last week was Stake Conference for the YSA's, so we got double).  We had Elder Hallstrom and Elder Jeffrey K Wetzel come and reorganize our stake presidency.  Jeff is a year older than I am.  We grew up in the same ward until I was 13, at which time the wards were divided and I ended up in the Monument Park 13th ward.  Jeff's future wife, Molly Warner, was in that ward with me.  Since we still don't know many people in our stake, the news of a new Stake Presidency wasn't as exciting as it would normally be.  Elder Nemrow, Dan's mission president, had previously been scheduled to come to our stake conference.  We were disappointed that we weren't able to touch base with him.  Of course, the subject of discussion was the churches new program on ministering.  It will be interesting to see how well this program is implemented.  I think a lot of people have a hard time with change, and this requires a lot of self-motivation.  My visiting teachers didn't seem to know what to do when they took the RS lessons out of the Ensign.  This is one step harder.

As I said, this was a less eventful week, so I will close this letter before I start to bore everyone.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Welcome Ila Fae Green

We are so excited to have Ila join our family. 

Ila Fae Green
April 10, 2018
7.5 lbs.  20 1/2 inches

                                                        Welcomed with loving arms.

The boys adore their new sister.

The night before Ila's birth, Roy drove up to Farmington to help AJ give Adrienne a blessing. During the blessing  Roy thought to himself "Wow, the boys are being really reverent." just as he felt two sets of hands join his and AJ's on Adrienne's head.  

I tended the boys on the 11th. 
You can see they had a little too much excitement
on the day of Ila's birth.  Finn was exhausted.
I even took him skating with me but he was
done after 10 minutes.

Jieun brought her girls over to see their cousins.
Dojin loved being outside in the egg chair.

I am pointing out the dimple in her chin.  She's adorable.
The boys were very curious as AJ changed Ila's diaper right after AJ and Adrienne brought her home.  

Gunnar helping grandpa get the eggs

There have been so many changes in all of our wards and stakes due to the revelations we heard in conference.  Andy was called as 1st counselor in his bishopbric, and Dan was called as secretary of the new Elder's Quorum.  Both of these young men are very busy with school, but I'm sure the Lord will bless them and their families as they willingly serve.  

Quote for the week:
-David A Bednar-

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


We celebrated Easter a week early, but we got a few picture from the celebrations of individual families on the actual day:

Easter in Texas

Weekend getaway (Galveston)
Ori and Effie

We are usually pretty good about not planning other events Conference Weekend, but when we made plans to go to Cancun, we didn’t think about that fact that Easter Weekend was Conference weekend.  Luckily, we were able to tune in for both Sunday sessions, though sometimes the Internet connection was a little spotty.  We also received KSL news updates on our phone so we knew of the announcement about combining the High Priests and Elder’s quorums into one quorum.  It is amazing how quickly the talks are on-line, so we have been reading through a few talks each day.  One quote from conference stood out to me.  It was one of the 1st talks in the Saturday morning session.
“To mothers, especially young mothers, who often feel overwhelmed and under-water while striving to raise ‘a sin-resistant generation,’ never underestimate your central role in God’s plan.  In stressful moments—perhaps when you are chasing little ones and a charred smell from the kitchen informs you that your lovingly prepared dinner is now a burnt offering—know that God sanctifies your most difficult days.  ‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee,’ He peacefully reassures.  We honor you as you fulfil the hope of Sister Joy D. ones, who stated, ‘Our children deserve to understand their divine identity.’”
This stood out to me because of my daughters and daughters-in-law dealing with a lot of sick kids this winter.  The most recent being poor little Ori who was diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease.  Caitlyn had this once when she was about 12 and we know it is painful. 

We had a wonderful time on our trip.  The resort we went to had fabulous food (fortunately and unfortunately).  It was an adult only resort.  Our travel agent had told us it was a quiet resort, not a big partying one, and that turned out to be true.  It was a little weird for Caitlyn because there weren’t many families.  I think we saw only one or two other young people without a partner.  She didn’t mind too much, though, as there was plenty to do. 
We spent most of our time at the resort.  We were right on the beach and the hotel had equipment for us to play with. Small sail boats, paddle boards, and kayaks.  It was difficult to paddle board on the ocean, but we made a good attempt.  We also spent a lot of time reading, resting pool-side, and eating. 

On one of our vacation days we went on a snorkeling excursion.  Every time we have snorkeled in Mexico, we have been required to wear life-jackets and stay right with the guide.  This was a little frustrating as we were in a large group (and we're used to snorkeling without life jackets).  One of the men didn’t swim well and had to hang on the guide’s safety tube.  He and his kids made it difficult to stay with the guide and we didn’t see much.  The guide also chummed (fed) the fish, so that they would swim up and around us.  While it was fun to see so many fish, it seemed artificial.  We were somewhat disappointed in the experience since we’ve had many better snorkeling trips, but after the 2nd dive, the guide put up a spinnaker on the Catamaran.  There was a swing attached.  Everyone got a turn to swing.  They pulled us 30 feet or so into the air.  As we were lowered we were told to jump off.  This time we weren’t allowed to use life jackets.  They said we had to be able to swim around the boat on our own.  That is better with me.  I have always loved to swim.  Dad was a tiny bit queasy from the snorkeling as the waves were rolling, so he didn’t swing, but Caitlyn and I did. 
We took one other excursion, a trip to Xelha.  We have been there several times now and we love it.  The snorkeling there is great.  They require a life jacket, but you can take it off because nobody would ever notice 😊.  I found a huge lion fish, which I have never seen before in the ocean; a stingray, and many other colorful fish of various sizes.  They also have a ropes course with a zip line.  We zipped down several times. 
Now to the food.  We thought the food at Occidental was pretty good, but this hotel far surpassed it.  They had a lot of papaya, so I was in Heaven.  We figured out towards the end of the trip that we could ask for things (like cut-up jicama and mango) that weren’t on the buffet.  Alberto was the waiter that let us know this (he brought me jicama when I told him I was disappointed that they didn’t have any).  The last day he had the cook cut jicama, mango, cucumber, celery and pineapple for us to take on the plane. 
I think I need to stop telling everyone “Happy Birthday” in this letter because I sometimes forget someone.  This month while saying Happy Birthday to Hyeji (She’ll be baptized soon because she turned 8 on the 8th), I totally skipped over Finn’s birthday.  He was 3 on the 7th.  So Happy birthday Finn.  Of course, we didn’t forget his birthday when it mattered. Ruby will be 3 this month as well.  Happy birthday Ruby (I have time yet because her birthday isn’t until later this month). 
I will probably be helping with the Green boys a lot this coming week because Adrienne is scheduled to have her baby on Tuesday.  I’ll have Grandpa Roy take Finn to pick out his present.  The girls have all received a homemade gift this year.

Happy Birthday Finn

I have a lot of pictures from the trip, but I'll publish some of  them separately so I can get this letter out.  I wrote it on Sunday, and now that it's Tuesday we have more news for the next letter (namely Adrienne's baby that is currently on its way),

non-alcoholic pina colandas

We all tried the slide (it was long and had a drop-off
at the end that was scary--and we took the "slow slide")
On the sailboat

The waiter brought me my favorites, papaya, jicama, and cucumbers.