Sunday, November 12, 2017

Theater, etc.

We had a fun opportunity this week when our financial adviser, Kimball Doxey and his wife Terry invited us to go to the play Bundle of Trouble at the Hale Center Theater. Occasionally, they'll invite us as a thank you for our business, but they are also friends from the first ward we were in after we moved to Bountiful (while we were renting on Bountiful Blvd). This play, of course, was all the more fun since we had performed this play in 1993 or 1994 in our theater in Georgia.  The star, when we performed this in Georgia, was our own Elise.  At least she was the star as far as we were concerned.  the actual star is the father who carries the show.  She memorized lots of lines and had a ball practicing and performing in the play and interacting with the other actors.  The play was written by Ruth and Nathan Hale in their early days of running a theater.  The premise is a father, who has been separated from his wife and child for a number of years, is suddenly reunited when the wife needs a babysitter for a few weeks.  She drops the child off, and a bit of mild chaos ensues.  The father in the play completely breaks the "wall" (the rule where the actors pretend the audience isn't there), and involves the audience in what is going on.  This invites a lot of ad-lib, and makes the play a lot of fun.  In this case, the little girl was played by a kindergartner.  She did a pretty good job, but you could tell the difference between a five year-old taking the part, and a 7 year-old (Elise).  Of course, I'm not prejudice at all.

I also had the "opportunity" to accompany Caitlyn as she performed on her violin at her Young Women in Excellence.  She played a violin arrangement of "Did you think to Pray?"  The piano part was very challenging and I only had a few days to practice.  We made it through with only a few 😅 mistakes.  Even though I didn't play perfectly (Caitlyn did very well, by the way), I was still proud of myself for the attempt, because playing in public on the piano has always been difficult for me and I always manage to fumble no matter how hard I practice.  I got pretty good at performing with the primary the last few years, but playing a piece of this difficulty is another matter.

Gunnar invited me to grandparents day at school.  Their PTA is very smart--get the grandparents to come during the book fair to make extra money.  Grandma Lisa had gone with Gunnar to the book fair on a previous day and bought him a book, and then it was my turn.  We had a good time and Gunnar kept me entertained.  Hyeji told me later it had been her book fair that week.  I told her she should have invited me so she could've gotten a book out of it.  She said she already had tons of books.

The only pictures to share this week are of our sweet grandsons from Texas.  They had a day that got a cold 57 degrees, so they got to don their winter gear before going out to play.

Max and Mav

Our Sunday evening is a lot quieter than normal.  It's nice once in a while to have time to study and write this letter, etc.  Of course, we miss everyone when we don't have them over.