Sunday, November 19, 2017

No pictures this week

I have been trying not to eat out to much as it's not conducive to watching my weight.  However, this week I enjoyed three lunch dates.  Christine and Nan and I met at my house for lunch (I picked up the lunch at Plates and Palates).  We try and get together for our birthdays and we were way behind.  We had an enjoyable afternoon eating good food and visiting in a quiet atmosphere.  We have to catch Nan when we can because she travels so much lately. 
Tuesday, I went with my visiting teaching companion and two of our V.T. sisters.  We met for lunch at Iggy's.  I had the blackened salmon salad, which was a good choice.  The service was slow and there were very few people in the restaurant, but since we had plenty to talk about, it was fine.  It is fun to get to know the sisters in our new ward.  It takes time, but it's rewarding.  Our other sister works during the day, so we're going to have to figure out how to include her next time. 
On Thursday, I met Suzanne, Karen, and Leann--three friends from High School (and Junior High, and Elementary!).  We visit every three to four months.  Karen asked if any of us were thinking of future missions.  Suzanne's husband served in San Antonio as mission president a few years ago.  Her response was interesting.  She said she was not ready--yet.  She admitted that being on a mission in that capacity was difficult--and even a little hard on her marriage.  She said it was because while she is slow and deliberate in her decision making, her husband is quite the opposite, so it was hard to council together.  She wasn't sure how it would be to have him as her missionary companion--a 24/7 situation.  Karen said she might even be open to it, which surprised me.  She is far more liberal than I am, and, though "active", I'm not sure she's been back to the temple since her wedding.  Leann also said she would be willing.  She said her husband is a natural teacher and he'd love to do a proselyting mission, then she listed a few examples of things he could do that she'd be willing to do also (proselyting wasn't necessarily one of them).  I have thought about this also. Of course, Roy's not retired, and Caitlyn and Jennie are still at home.  It will be hard to leave my beautiful new home, but I'm definitely not opposed to it.  There are many things we could do without leaving the state.  In our stake conference today, we were told that the stake receives about 30 missionary assignments that they are meant to fill.  I guess they have had trouble filling the last 8 or 9 each year, until one of the men assigned to help fill the assignments offered to go to the various relief societies and priesthood quorums and let everyone know what assignments were available and what they each entailed.  After that, they had a much less difficult time getting those assignments filled.  They also announced that they have recently sent two mission presidents from our stake to Tempe, Arizona and Houston, Texas, and those presidents are looking for senior couples to help serve.  If Roy were retired, it might be fun to serve in Houston while Elise is there.  I know one of those two mission presidents from High School.  Spencer Hewlett.  He's a year younger than I and we were good friends back then. 
Thursday evening we had another invitation out for dinner.  Heeyoung and Jun invited us to their home for a delicious Korean dinner.  We stayed for a couple of hours and played with their kids, who seemed to love the interaction.  Roy rough-housed with the little boy, then Jun tried it also.  Heeyoung said, "Thank you for the inspiration to my husband," so maybe it's not something he's done before.  They are wonderful young people and I intend to have them over often while they are still in the states.  They said that they had plans to go to Hawaii for Christmas because they didn't want to stay here and be lonely.  I said I wouldn't have let them be lonely. 
Friday night we had the family over.  Matt couldn't make it because he was involved in one of Malouf's semi-annual sales.  Dan and family stayed home because of illness.  Everyone else in Utah was present.  We kept it simple, but it was delicious as usual.  Roy cooked his sauerkraut/sausage/chicken dish.  We haven't had it in forever.  We had Dan come and get food for his family.  He said Jieun loved the sauerkraut, and that she'd not had it before.  That means Roy probably hasn't cooked it for 10 years. 

On Saturday we got a lot accomplished during the day, and spent a nice evening at the Saturday evening session of Stake Conference.  It was short 1 1/2 hours by 10 or 15 minutes, which was nice.  Our meeting today also got out 15 minutes early.  We missed the last stake conference because we were out of town, so this was our first stake conference in this stake.  Apparently, it's the last stake conference for our leaders, they are to be released in April. The meeting last night was on giving more of ourselves, and the meeting today had several themes, since all of the presidency and the clerks gave their testimonies--also the clerk's wives. 

Happy Birthday to Beverly this week (hopefully on Tuesday, the 21st).  She will be the first of our family to fill a slot on the November calendar.  We are headed to Texas on Wednesday for Thanksgiving.  I will stay for over 2 weeks to help Elise. 

Caitlyn has an MRI tomorrow to see if her arthritis is active.  She's been struggling with pain this last month.  If she's inflamed, we'll change her medication.  If she's not inflamed, we'll have to be creative--probably get her back to a physical therapist, etc.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  We'll miss all of you this year (except the Jackson's), but don't despair, next Thanksgiving will arrive before we can blink. 

Love to all!

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