Monday, October 16, 2017


I mentioned last week that Roy and Jennie headed up to the Gorge to bring the trailer home for winterization.  Apparently it was just beautiful up there with the first snowfall.  Cold, too.

Roy always likes to get a picture or two of Grandpa Clyde's bridge

This week included Dr's appointment, a service project with Relief Society, Choir Practice, and other routine things.  We also had cake and ice cream for AJ's birthday.  I tended Ori and Effie while Nick and Sara celebrated their anniversary, and we played Ping Pong with Dan and Jieun when they dropped by Friday evening. 
Caitlyn went with me to the Bountiful temple for the service project because the young women were also doing a service project at the temple.  As we were leaving I told her to head the other way, she asked, "Aren't we going to Temple Square?" I answered that I thought we were supposed to go to the Bountiful temple.  I called the R.S. President and she confirmed.  So, Caitlyn had a great time with the relief society sisters, while the young women were in Salt Lake (I think she may have preferred being with me). 
Saturday, after errands and chores, we were able to attend a violin recital for Caitlyn.  She played four duets with her teacher.  She arranged with her teacher to leave early because Roy and I had a Casper reunion in Orem.  I wasn't sure how excited I was to go, as we don't see Roy's cousins very often, but we had a great time.  He has a couple of cousins that are hilarious.  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.  Roy made the pulled pork and he outdid himself.  It was delicious.

Caitlyn to the left of her teacher Emily Rice.  Emily plays for
the Orchestra at Temple Square.  A huge commitment, but she
loves it.  On the left of Caitlyn is Elise Erickson.  She's in our ward.  Her great grandma is
Roy's grandma's sister. 


Head of table: Laurel Steele, Dianne Fage and her daughter Sabrina Davis,
Shirley Pyper, Mark Pyper, Reed and Elaine McKay

From left:
Fred Fage and his wife, Lindsey (Julie's daughter),
 Julie Berry, David Berry, Lindsey's husband, Robert Steel,
and Nan Theobald

Catharine, Kathleen Carlile, Tom and Elaine Carlile,
Mary Jo and Stephen Carlile
I hope I got all those names right.

Sunday I was in charge of the Relief Society lesson.  It was such a blessing to study for it.  I wanted to share a couple of scriptures that I used in my lesson.  I found these this past week while working on the assignment given to us in April from President Russell M. Nelson.

Alma 33:14
14  Now behold, my brethren, I would ask if ye have read the scriptures? If ye have, how can ye disbelieve on the Son of God?
1 John 5:10  He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son.
I also found a couple in 1 John that I really loved.  Look them up:
1 John 4:15 and 1 John 5:5
I loved giving this lesson (Priesthood Leadership in the Church) on prophets and apostles.  My testimony grew of these men as witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

 More pictures from the week:
Crista, Matt, Greta and Ruby.  Family pictures
Greta and Ruby
Nick with Effie and Ori, Also, Jennie.

Nick had us over for dinner Sunday evening.  Sara had made a lovely roast with potatoes and carrots.  She had a friend from her mission there as well.  We played "Code Names" for a while and then headed home to get Caitlyn to bed!

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