Sunday, October 29, 2017


The joys of having your husband involved with the YSA Stake is that you get to have the ward he's involved with over for family night every so often.  Monday night we had at least 30 young singles at our home.   After they ate some pizza, they played a video game called "Rock Band."  Some of the kids played ping pong, and others were playing "Apples to Apples."  We were downstairs with them off and on, but a lot of the time I was upstairs sewing.  I had to wear earplugs!  They all had a ball!
Jennie is supposed to be in Roy's ward, but she goes to the ward
she was in when she lived with Dan.  She joins Roy's ward when it
fun and convenient.

We attended a tri-school Orchestra concert on Tuesday evening.  Each school played a couple of songs, and then they all tried to get on the stage for the final number.  It was attempting the impossible, but they got close, then they played all together, which was also attempting the impossible.  It was also impossible to get a decent picture.

One day this week I drove up to Logan to help Crista out for a couple of hours.  I spent time with her kids and helped her finish Matt's costume.  

Another interesting encounter this week was at Costco.  Roy and I made a late night run (just before they closed).  Roy went to the optical department, and I did the shopping.  As I was finishing up, I looked up and saw Elder Uchtdorf.  He was standing there smiling, so I said, "Oh.  How are you doing?"  He said fine and asked how I was ...then I said, "I barely recognized you with your 'civilian' clothes on."  That was it.  It's kind of weird.  We have apostles and prophets in our midst, but when we run into them, we don't know quite what to say; we don't want to interrupt their private time or be intrusive.  Anyway, we are blessed to live close to so many of our church leaders.

I had a fun evening and a quilt class on paper piecing.  Here is what the project looks like:
The streak is the sun coming in the window.
I think I will make a table runner out of it.  There are 8 sections to sew together to make the star.  I don't know if I'll need 3 or 4 stars for the runner.  It's a fun project, but like everything takes time. 

Roy and I went to our ward trunk or treat.  We don't get to attend ward functions together very often.  I don't know many people in our new ward and Roy knows even fewer.

Trunk or treat selfie!

We spent our Saturday at Grandpa and Grandma Rasband's house running load after load to the DI.  It's good grandma isn't there to see us give away her "valuable" possessions.  Grandpa is aware of what's going on and I think he's just grateful that we're doing the work of going through everything and getting the house ready to sale.  We left Provo right at 4 so we could get home and get ready for the Halloween party (Young Single Adults).  Dad and I even dressed up.

While we were at the YSA Halloween party, Caitlyn was at the Halloween Dance at Bountiful High. 
This time her date did not break anything (different boy), and all went as planned.  They dressed up as characters from Napoleon Dynamite.  So creative.

As Phil said in a recent letter, when we are sharing our "journals" we don't ever put in the negative--I won't either, except to say it was a bit of a hard week due to misplanning, misunderstandings (and lack of communication) as to who had the rights to have a party at the house Saturday night.  

Everyone else in the family were celebrating Halloween as well, with trunk or treats and parties.  

 The Jacksons dressed up as Jurassic Park characters

Little Bo Peep and her sheep
Andy and Elise and Matt and Crista always go all out.

The Rasband girls enjoying the Fall weather.

Ruby and Greta (Princess Sophia and her little witch 

Sunday, since Dan was a bachelor for the weekend, he asked us to watch Dojin while he fulfilled his primary calling, so we got to cuddle with Dojin.
What a sweetheart
We finished up the week fulfilling Roy's calling by going to Ward prayer.  

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