Monday, October 23, 2017

Family and Cedar City

Meanwhile, back in Texas--Elise's ward gave her a baby shower.  It was last week, but I had trouble with pictures so I'm putting the picture in this week's letter.  The fun thing in this picture is that one of her guests was her cousin Jenny.  I remember living in Atlanta and connecting with cousins that I probably wouldn't have known very well if I'd lived in Utah.  It's always fun to have a relative close by.  (We got to know Lynn Winterton, Debbie Bori (Florida), Kurt Gramoll, Dev Sealy, and Roy's Aunt and Uncle, Gloria and Mike Toomey).

Taking advantage of a little down time for Andy (which is rare), they had a staycation in Sugarland over the weekend (maybe 20 minutes away), and enjoyed swimming and playing.

Elise and Jenny at the shower 
Mav and Max having a ball

Do they really need a fire in Houston?  Maybe if they're still
 wet from their swim.

Elise and Beverly
Mav and Max are super exited for the grandparent's to come and visit.  Elise says they have a paper chain to count down the days.  It's probably just as much for Elise, as the baby is scheduled to be induced the day before we arrive.  I'm sure she's counting down the days, too.

We see our Logan family a little more often than our Texas family.  Crista and Matt came down Wednesday night so they could give Ruby her first experience with Lagoon!  She was so excited.

Ruby and Greta, anticipating a fun-filled day!
Roy and Caitlyn and I left on Thursday morning for another Cedar City weekend.  The plays weren't quite as good as their summer line-up, but we still had a good time.

We had a little time to burn, so we went to the museum at the "Depot" in Cedar City.
We were told not to climb in any of the stage coaches except this one, so
we felt like we had to try this one out.  Wow, am I grateful for comfortable cars.

Here we are at Cancun restaurant in Beaver, Utah.  A favorite. And a selfie in the Theater.

The plays for the weekend included, "Shakespeare's Long Lost First Manuscript.  We didn't love it.  In fact, it was almost a waste of the ticket price; Also, a play called The Tavern, that seemed to be written just for the Cedar City venue.  It was a lot of fun and well acted; and finally, A Midsummer Night's Dream.  It, too, was well-acted and fun, but it was LONG.  I thought it was over about 40 minutes before it was over.  We drove home after this play on a Saturday afternoon, which turned out to be good, because about 1/2 way home we heard that Grandpa had been sent to the hospital.  He was having pain in his shoulder.  It wasn't his shoulder or his heart, but they found a blood clot in his lung.  They also thought he might have blood clots elsewhere but didn't test for them as the medication should treat all of them.  We were able to stop and visit and make sure he was being taken care of. 
He'll probably be in the hospital for a few days.  Keep him in your prayers!

Doyeon had a birthday party, which we missed, but we saw some entertaining videos and pictures that depicted a good time for all.
Nick, Effie and Dojin.  The videos showed that NIck had just
as much fun as the kids. 
Cutting the cake with a sword--pretty awesome.

Cake and ice cream everyone?

Even though we had been away for the weekend, we still desired to see our family so we had them to dinner on Sunday.  All of the Davis County residents in the family were able to come.  The kids are always so happy to see each other and mainly stay happy while they are playing, except when someone gets hurt.  They also had quite a few sugary treats which made them happy, too.
Caitlyn played with them in the leaves.  They had a ton of fun--and I had a lot of leaf trails throughout the house.  

Settling down a bit

Ollie, Finn, Doyeon, Hyeji, Gunnar, Yuna and Ori!
Oh, and a side note--the lot next door went up for sale, YAY!  the 650 square foot house on it is 69 years old and it looks terrible.  We figure that nothing could be worse, but we're really hoping for a buyer to put a house there.  It can't be a huge house, but it might fit a reasonable size two story.  

Have a great week!  Love you all!

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