Monday, December 7, 2020

Thanks for the inspiration

 I decided yesterday morning not to write a letter this week because I didn't think I had anything worth sharing.  This morning (Monday, Dec.7) I changed my mind for a couple of reasons.  The first two reasons were texted to the family clan.  Darling pictures of two adorable babies, Bridget and Harvey, enjoying their Christmas trees.  As Roy replied, "These grandkid Christmas pictures really get you in that seasonal feeling."

I sent another picture of my baby:

The 2nd reason--I got up pretty early this morning and stayed in my room reading the letters from four of my siblings.  I was inspired by each of them. 

Christine asked a question about maintaining our faith through this difficult year, then she shared a story about Kobe Bryant to help answer her question.  

"How do we develop our faith and hope during this difficult year?  We stay with the basics!  Doug Grant told the story of a reporter who wanted to interview Kobe Bryant while he was working out.  Kobe told him he could interview him but that he worked out at 5 am.  The reporter wanted to show how good he was so he got to the gym at 4:30 am.  Kobe was already there working out.  The reporter watched him work out for 2 more hours and then he said,  "Kobe, you are the greatest basketball player in the world and all you have done for the last two hours is work out on the very basics of basketball."  Kobe responded, "that is why I am the greatest basketball player in the world."
So many times we may think reading scriptures, praying, and serving is not enough.  It is enough.  It is our daily reading, studying, and thinking of others that help us come unto Christ.  It is our consistency in doing the basics of the Gospel that help us learn to become like Christ."

Nan shared some photos from Eve Oblad's baptism.  She also shared some of her feelings she had after watching the Christmas devotional.  Roy and I loved watching the devotional.  
"We just watched the Christmas Devotional. It was wonderful. I love that President Nelson gave another apostolic blessing to the Saints. He is truly an inspiring, wonderful man. I loved Elder Brent H. Nielson’s talk about his father who served four years including during World War II. Talk about constant stress. He worked with an anti-aircraft team in Papua New Guinea. On Christmas day in 1943, he wrote a letter home reporting he and many other soldiers had not received any Christmas presents and only a very small Christmas meal. In his last letter home before his return in 1945, he wrote “…but I look on God as a person who is loving and understanding rather than one who is always standing over you to punish you for every mistake you make.”

We love President Nelson and are always amazed by his willingness to challenge us as individuals.  He really desires for us to increase our ability to seek and find revelation, and he gives us concrete ways to do just that.  

Dave shared some beautiful pictures of the Manti temple.  They were able to attend with one of the families they've been teaching on their mission.  This year we have all learned what a privilege it is to be able to attend the temple.  He also mentioned that Liz is still very sick with Covid and has some serious symptoms.  I am passing this on so that you might add her to your prayers.  Heather Cook also has Covid but her case is mild so far.  

Phil shared a couple of beautiful spiritual experiences which I won't share here as they are his and they are personal.  He also shared a story of a friend who grew up thinking he was stupid (he was dyslexic).  His teachers and his own father emphasized this to him throughout the years.  The man has become successful in his own right, but disappointed his father by not becoming a lawyer as did most of his brothers.  He, however, takes his father coffee almost every day.  His siblings ask him, "Why?" since his father never treated him very well over the years.  He said, "So that I can retain what little relationship I have with him."  Phil related this story to ask us the question, "What's wrong simple kindness and understanding?"  
This is something to ponder on.  I think most of us think we are kind, most of the time, but we sometimes don't realize how much our words and actions can hurt others.  We need to be mindful of how we are treating each other, because, what is wrong with simple kindness and understanding?

So, I am very thankful to my siblings for inspiring me this morning.  I am both spiritually uplifted, and motivated to do better (and write this letter 😀).

Phil also mentioned that he bears his testimony to his children each week in his letter because Charlotte makes sure he doesn't send it unless it has a spiritual message.  I think that's also a good challenge, so I add my testimony to that of my siblings.  I love my Savior.  I love His gospel.  I love His chosen prophet.  I am determined to follow Him.

I'll close with a couple of pictures.  Roy is tired of being homebound (I'm not--I like being home.  I'm worried that I'm becoming too much of a homebody this year).  So, we took a drive to Midway on Saturday and had a nice dinner.  As he said, our entertainment budget has been largely unused this year.

We ate at a place called "The Mercantile"  Roy really loved his meal.  Mine was just a little over the top flavorful for my taste (Roy liked mine, too).  The appetizers and dessert were delicious.


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