Sunday, November 29, 2020


 This week has been a wonderful week of Thanksgiving, beginning with President Nelson's challenge to be mindful of the many things we are grateful for, posting to #givethanks each day.  He also suggested we pray with gratitude--thanking our Father in Heaven for all our blessings.  As I began this challenge I soon realized that seven days is not nearly enough for me to even begin to touch upon my blessings.  I figured that with seven children, I had each post pre-planned, but then I realized that I couldn't pass up a post on my wonderful and giving husband.  I would really like to have a day to express  gratitude for each of my grandchildren as well.  Even after expressing love and gratitude for my family, I realized that I needed many more days to post about goodly parents, grandparents, and other amazing ancestors who sacrificed so much so that we could live where we live and have the gospel in our lives.  I would be very ungrateful indeed if I didn't acknowledge my gratitude for my Heavenly Father and my Savior who have made all of my blessings possible.  I also have a great appreciation for the gifts They have given us through the scriptures and modern day prophets and apostles.  Then I thought about my health, which isn't perfect, but is good enough that I can get up every day, study the scriptures and conference talks, and also exercise and participate in all that life has to offer.

Our Sunday School lesson today was a discussion about President Nelson's challenge and how it has made a difference in our week.  There were many great comments.  Some said that they had a lot of friends not of our faith that noted on Facebook (and other media sites) how much the #givethanks comments had helped them, some even joined in adding their own list of blessings to the hashtag.  Another sister said that as more and more people (millions) posted on social media about gratitude, it pushed all the the negative posts further and further down until you didn't even see them.  One sister talked about how small and simple things, such as this seemingly simple seven day challenge, could bring about great things.  So many of our ward members said that thinking about their blessings turned everything around for them. Our media expert read some of the statistics of how many days this hashtag was the # 1 post around the world.  In many other countries it also had the top position.  I am always amazed at President Nelson and how he has pushed us to change and grow.  I don't know of any other leader that has issued so many individual challenges.  It's inspiring that so many people want to be obedient to the voice of our prophet.  James Christensen even said in his letter home how awesome it was that his dad actually posted on social media this week.  

For Thanksgiving Day we had pretty much decided that we would not meet as a large group so that we could do our best to keep everyone healthy.  Nick had told us that he definitely would not come--they need to keep Camden safe.  Dan said they were going to stay strong and stay home also.  Crista and Matt chose not to come on Thursday as Matt had a little bit of a sore throat.  Roy, wonderful father, grandfather, and husband that he is, wanted to cook the dinner for everyone anyway.  We told everyone that they could come and get their dinner and take it home to eat it.  At the last minute, however, we softened and told everyone that whoever was comfortable staying to eat, should stay.  So, we had Caitlyn, Dallin, Jennie and Jordan, and Adrienne and AJ.  When Dan came to get his portion of the dinner, he brought his whole family.  At that point it seemed pointless to take them all back home, so he stayed.  Nick was strong and took his meal home, but I think he was feeling some regret.  We ended up having a group of 10 adults and 8 children.  A little more than suggested for gathering this Thanksgiving, but so far it looks like we are all still healthy.  

Pictures from Thanksgiving Day and the day after. 

Dallin, Caitlyn and Ila
Jennie and Yuna
Finn with Grandma Catharine

Gunnar and Ila

Finn, Hyeji, Ila, Doyeon and Jordan
The masks didn't actually last very long.
The Jackson family celebrated their Thanksgiving one day early.
Andy had to work a 12-hour shift Thanksgiving Day.  We are
very grateful for doctors who give up their holidays to help others.

Crista and Matt had a full Thanksgiving dinner at their home.
Crista had to cook it, since we live too far for her to come and
pick it up.

I had a hard time getting a smile out of Greta.  Ruby made funny faces, too.  The dolls in the background are Scrooge and Marley.  I told Ruby a short version of the story, then they watched a couple of cartoon versions of "A Christmas Carol" downstairs.

Our little doll Bridget (I shouldn't have cut Crista out)


After posting last week's letter, I received a few more adorable pictures with the Rasband kids in their chicken aprons.  Since I was too tired to add them to the letter at the time, I'm adding them here.




And Avie!!! 

I love the smiles!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Another great blessing in 2020

This has been another awesome week in 2020.  We have had more wonderful blessings to add to our list of things to be thankful for.  Caitlyn received her endowment on the 20th.  We have not been able to attend the temple since the night before it closed (which according to Christine was March 11).  Caitlyn was allowed 16 people to accompany her.  A day or so before, Caitlyn was telling me that one of her co-workers asked if there was a spot left so that she could go to the temple.  Caitlyn replied "yes, there is, but you are working for me so you can't go."  This little interchange alerted me to the fact that we did have a couple of spots that I could extend to my sisters.  It is such a privilege to be able to attend the temple, so I knew they'd jump at the chance if at all possible--and they did.  Christine and  Amelia, and Nan and Bruce were able to meet us there Friday morning and attend with us.  This meant a lot to me, too, as we are not celebrating the sealing/marriage with any of our extended family due to Covid-19 restrictions.  We are only allowed 16 spots at the sealing as well, and with Dallin's family and ours, we are already over that number-- we just hope we can fit everyone in who is healthy and able to attend.

Jordan, Jennie, Roy, Catharine, Nan, Bruce, Jieun. Dan, Caitlyn, Dallin, Nick, Christine, Robin Anderson, Amelia, and Eric Anderson.  Adrienne left as soon as she could so she could get back to the kids, so she wasn't in the picture.

Cailtyn and Dallin--Yes, we left the masks on for historical
purposes as well as for our health and safety :)

Nick and me--I pulled the mask down for the picture, but Nick said
he doesn't do that right now (he's protecting Camden, among others).

Jennie and Jordan visiting with Nan and Bruce.

Jieun and Dan, visiting with Christine and Amelia

Dallin's parents, Robin and Eric

The temple experience was different than we've ever experienced before--and different from what it will be in the future.  As I mentioned, only 16 people were invited in.  We all arrived at the same time and were taken into the temple as a group.  Caitlyn, Dallin and I were invited upstairs for all of the things that happen prior to a live endowment.  Everyone else waited until they also went in together.  When we got into the room, everyone was appropriately social distanced and of course, wearing masks.  It was so peaceful, and so focused on the reason we were there.  Caitlyn and Dallin were accompanied only by their families.  I hope they remember this forever because, as I said, it will never be done in this way again.  Once the temples open up again, there will be a surge of patrons--I am sure it will be very exciting for everyone.

Some other happenings:

Jennie visiting her new nephew, Camden

I spent a few hours this week making "egg gathering aprons."  I made two, one for Nick's family, and one for Dan's family since they have chickens and the younger kids accidentally break eggs quite often.  Hopefully these aprons will help with that.  It took me a while to figure out the pattern--which I found free on the internet.  Due to that, the first apron took  me a lot longer than the second, which took me two hours from start to finish.

We had a birthday this week as well.  Beverly turned 3.  When we called and sang to her, she ran off crying.  I guess she didn't like to be the focus of our attention.  Elise put together a little slideshow of Beverly:

I guess she was happier on the day they had the party than she was on the actual day of her birthday.

Another interesting thing that has happened this year is that a lot of gatherings have gone digital.  Christine and Nan gave a shower for Caitlyn yesterday (Saturday).  The good thing about it was that some of our out-of-towners were able to join us.  It was great to see and talk to Barb and Melissa.  Elise was also able to be there.  Becky said hi for a quick minute before she went off to do missionary work.  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful extended family.  Caitlyn was satisfied with the shower, even though it was unconventional.  The only negative was that we didn't get to eat the delicious food that would have been served in a different setting. 😀

Also, I didn't take pictures at the shower.  I guess I could have taken one of us video-chatting (Bruce took one of Nan), but it's a lot different than taking pictures of people who are actually present.

President Russell M. Nelson spoke to the world this week.  He asked us to share our gratitude with others on social media.  I don't participate in social media very much, but I am going to be obedient this week and share--I have so many blessings.  I could share something different for months, not just a week.  He also asked us to express our gratitude in prayer-- thanking Heavenly Father, more than asking Him for the things we need.  As you can see from this and previous posts, our family has a lot to be grateful for--even with the political unrest and the problems caused by the pandemic that are occurring this year.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

 The best news of the week:  We have a new grandson!  Nick and Sara welcomed Camden River Rasband into the world this past Wednesday, November 11.  Camden is another blessing of 2020.  We love granddaughters, too, but we were especially excited that Nick and Sara get to experience parenthood to a boy.  Caitlyn and I were at the skating rink, having an especially nice session since we were the only ones there, when Caitlyn said to me--they've had their baby!!! We quickly retrieved our phones and Cait read, "it's a boy!"  We screamed and hugged each other we were so excited. He's beautiful.  It's amazing after seeing three beautiful baby girls in their family, to see a baby that very definitely looks like a boy.  We love him!

Camden River Rasband
Nov. 11, 2020
7 lbs. 
20" long

I was privileged!  They hospital only allowed
only one person besides Nick
to come and visit the baby.  Look how teeny he is!

He's very small, but his toes are so long

We received a lot of pictures over the next few days,  I'll just share some of them:

I love this picture of Camden with his proud and 
grateful father.  It even looks like the baby is

Same proud dad--he's just a lot more tired after
a couple of days in the hospital.

Effie and Avie enjoying their new brother.

Roy and I had a nice visit with Phil and Charlotte.  They dropped by to return a book Roy had lent them (and forgotten about).  They are both hobbling around--Phil because he fell 10 feet on a rappel (then had to hike out) and Charlotte because she fell off her electric bike (then rode the 10 miles back to their home in St. George).  Charlotte is in a boot, but is not supposed to put much weight on her foot.  Phil is not in a boot, but after 3 dislocated toes, the pain is enough that he figured it will be two more weeks before he can hike again.  The things that happen when we age 😃

Roy and Dan went on another hunting excursion.  This time they were so determined to have success that they hired a guide with dogs and went to a place where they basically release the pheasants just in time for the hunt.  They actually paid for the number of pheasants they wanted to shoot at.  Dan said it's just "slaughtering with a chance of failure."  They ended up with seven pheasants.  When they arrived home they went into the garage for some warmth and began plucking and preparing the pheasants over our large garbage can.  Jieun brought the kids over to see the results of the hunt.  As soon as Dojin saw the pheasants he said, "Those look yummy!  Are we going to eat them?  He watches a show with Dan on Netflix called "Meat Eater," Dan says Dojin loves that show.  We're pretty sure if Ori had seen the pheasants, she'd swear off all meat for life.

AJ and his co-workers also hunted in the same area a day or two prior to Roy's hunt.  He shot several, cleaned two for eating, gave one to us, and after having one for dinner, threw the rest away.  Their kids were also extremely interested to watch AJ skin and prepare them--even Ila.

Andy had enough time off this past week that they were able to escape for a couple of days to a place called Great Wolf Lodge.  They are a little daring to travel at this time, but I'm not sure how bad Covid is in their area.

Mav and Max holding Harvey (and he doesn't seem to mind).

He doesn't mind when Beverly holds him either

Mav--are you getting a little tired?

Elise and Bevy



Andy and Beverly

Caitlyn and Dallin spoke in our ward today.  Caitlyn's topic-- " How does preparing for an eternal marriage bring you closer to Christ" and Dallin's topic was "What truths about personal revelation have brought you closer to Christ?"  They both did an excellent job and shared things that invited the spirit into the meeting.  I am waiting for them to send me their talks so I can read them over and share a couple of their main points.  

I will end my letter today with this video of Hyeji practicing for our ward primary program.  I love her sweet testimony.