Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Happy news

 This past week we studied Samuel the Lamanite in the Book of Mormon.  I was going to just post this video, even though all my family has seen it (it deserves to be recorded in our family news), and then end the letter.  However, we have had too much going on in our family for me to limit this letter in that way.

We celebrated Gunnar's 10th birthday on Aug. 31.  Often we are out of town on his birthday because it usually falls around Labor Day, but this year it was a week before.  Adrienne made a killer malt ball cake.  Gunnar's gift from Roy and me was one he helped to make.  We planned to make it for his 9th birthday, but it took us a while longer than that.  
the present that Gunnar helped make

Gunnar with his birthday cake, and a cool candle.

We took our last trip of the summer to Flaming Gorge.  It was Dan's turn again--he's the lucky one who got to go with us twice (I'm not sure the others would have really wanted a second trip anyway, it's a lot of work for them).  We had one day on the boat.  We zipped down to Wyoming and let everyone wake-board who wanted to.  The weather was beautiful, but it was the most crowded any of us have ever seen Flaming Gorge.  I think that because of Covid, there's not a lot to do but go camping/boating, so everyone is doing it.  Plus, it was Labor Day weekend.  It's quite a bit less crowded on the Wyoming side, but it takes an hour of boating to get over there.  We went to the same cove where we paddle-boarded a couple of weeks ago, but this time we had to share it with a couple of large boats.  We veered to the right and luckily we couldn't even see the other boats.  When we have children with us, going to a beach/cove is their favorite thing to do.  They love to go play in the mud.

Dan, Sunday afternoon nap

Sunday walk along the canyon rim
Dan and Dojin enjoying breakfast together

Sunday, we were still at the Gorge.  We had our sacrament meeting, then went on a trail for a Sunday walk.  It was quite hot, even in Dutch John.  I imagine Centerville was really hot that day. 

Later that evening, Dallin and Caitlyn slipped away for a walk.  She came back with a ring on her finger!!

They are  hoping to get married in the Temple on the 19th of December.  As things stand right now they are only allowed to invite about 14 people.  Hopefully that will change so we can invite our siblings.  Dallin Anderson is our next door neighbor.  His dad was previously in our Bishopric (we got a new bishopric a week ago Sunday).  We have heard a few surprised comments from people in the ward, because this is their third round of dating.  They are both really happy.

In about a week and a half I will head out to Augusta to take care of the Jackson kiddos while Elise gets some medical tests and has her gall bladder removed.  

Max in the mask Jieun made for him.

Beverly in one of her more interesting outfits
(although many of her outfits are interesting)

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