Sunday, April 26, 2020

Harvey Andrew Jackson--9 lbs 11 oz--23.5 inches

We are excited to announce the birth of baby Harvey this week.  Roy and I had decided not to go to Georgia, due to the Covid19 virus and the suggestion of "no unnecessary travel," but after cancelling our tickets, we spoke with Elise.  She said because of the virus, Andy could not leave the hospital and return.  If he was to be with her, he had to stay the entire time.  They would feed him, etc. but if he left he could not come back.  We decided that this was now "necessary travel," because the neighbor who would have to take on the kids already has 5 of her own.  Also, Elise's babies always have jaundice and end up having to stay longer than normal in the hospital.  We again purchased flight tickets (this time they were still a good price, but we ended up paying a little more). 
It was definitely a first: Get to the airport--No Lines.  Security--No Lines.  Passageways--very light traffic. Airplane--practically empty!  We felt safe because we were able to maintain social distancing very well.

airplane view
Also, it was good we ate a light breakfast at 6:30 am, because there wasn't much open.  Even at the Atlanta airport many food venues were closed.  
On our short commuter flight to Augusta, we were a little closer together because the plane was so small.  It still wasn't too bad, though.

The boys and Bevy were so happy to see us,  though Mav was a little worried about how Caitlyn would fare without me home to fix her meals :) He asked me what Caitlyn would eat.  I said that she was capable of fixing anything she wants because she's 20.  

Elise was scheduled to go in for delivery April 23 at 5:30 am.  Of course, she was delayed because so many women had arrived in the night in natural labor.  She ended up heading to the hospital at about 5 in the afternoon and Harvey was born the next morning.
Harvey Andrew Jackson--9 lbs 11 oz--23.5 inches

We had fun entertaining the boys, and true to form, Harvey was jaundiced and they spent a total of 3 nights in the hospital.  It was good we were here because Beverly wasn't very comfortable with her mom being gone.  She woke up several times in the night the first 2 nights.  Finally, on the 3rd night she spent the whole night in her own bed.  Roy and I are not used to having our sleep interrupted by anyone but ourselves.
We went on a nature walk

And played with legos

They love dress-ups, and they have a lot more than even grandma has.

 When I made eye masks for all the kids at Christmas, I didn't make any for Elise's kids because they weren't there.  I never sent them any because I knew most of the kids didn't really use them, but Elise wanted them to have the masks, so I made them each one.

Introducing the new baby to his siblings:
Max, Mav and Harvey

Bevy with Harvey

Other pictures from the week:

I've been too busy to answer the phone most of the
time.  Caitlyn feels neglected.
Jennie and Jordan eating B-bim-bop at Jieun's and Dan's

Caitlyn eating B-bim-bop

Yuna playing outside with their bunnies
Dojin loves the bunnies.

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