Friday, May 10, 2019

End of year recitals and a trip to Lake Powell

It's that time of year--lots of recitals and programs for end of school.  I never realized that this wouldn't end for a mother of 8 when her last child graduated from High School.  I'm glad that I get to keep a foot in the door and still enjoy watching children grow and progress.  

Gunnar representing the founder of Hershey's chocolate.  Their
class had a wax museum.  If you stood in front of the "statue" they came
to life and told you about themselves.  It was a cute idea.  Gunnar
did a great job.  Ila loved the chocolate!

No school for these two--except educational programming. 
Caitlyn and I had our own spring recital at the Bountiful Recreation Center on May 4 and 5.  Most of the family were able to come and see us.  I am going out on a limb here and showing both of our performances (usually I only show Caitlyn).  I will never be as fast or strong a skater as Caitlyn, but for my age I think I do pretty well.  Don't make them full screen or they'll be super blurry.  I'm not sure why, but it may be because we transferred the videos from Jieun's phone to mine.

We planned a lot for our skating weekend. In May for Roy's birthday we get coupons for a few of our favorite restaurants.  May is so busy that we had to start with using the one to Market Street Grill right away (May 2nd). Then on the 4th, Roy, Nick and Matt went on their yearly bike ride--the Frontrunner.  It is a 67 mile course.  Matt restrained himself and stayed with Roy and Nick for most of the ride.  Roy lost a lot of time being a good Samaritan and changing a tire for a woman along the route.  That's okay, he wasn't planning on winning or anything :)

Matt, Nick, Roy, and Mike, Matt's friend who rides with them



Of course, Roy runs the spotlight for all the skating shows, so he was committed on Friday and Saturday as much as Caitlyn and I were.  Crista also celebrated her anniversary on Friday night, so we enlisted Jennie and Jordan's help to take Ruby and Greta to the skating show so that Crista and Matt could go out.  After all of this, we left Sunday after church to go for a short week to Lake Powell--we had to get there before Caitlyn's surgery sometime the week of the 21st.  Nick and Sara and the girls went with us to Lake  Powell.  He suggested that next time we go to Lake  Powell it isn't immediately following a 67 mile bike ride.  He may have a point.

Lake  Powell was eventful.  The drive went well, but when we got to the lodge, our trailer wasn't ready for us (8:00 pm).  The lady at the desk was pretty clueless and it took her at least 15-20 minutes to figure out that the cleaning ladies were still working on it.  We finally got checked in, and within 30 seconds, Effie, in her excitement, jumped on the bed and flung herself down--hitting her head on the window sill.  We found out quickly about the medical clinic behind the visitor's center.  She had 2 staples put in.
Effie's head
The first day in Powell we were able to enjoy fairly warm weather.  The water was a little cold, but probably no colder than Flaming Gorge in August.  We boated a lot, and swam a little.  The next day was cooler by about 5 degrees.  Nick, Jennie, Jordan and Caitlyn all wake-boarded, then we blew up the tube for the little girls.  They loved it.  They both had huge smiles as they practiced standing up and jumping around.  Our tube is pretty stable!  When the wind picked up around 3:30 or so, we got off the lake and spent the evening playing games.  Our last full day in Lake Powell was about 10 degrees cooler than the 2nd day.  We went boating anyway.  No one really wanted to get in the water, though we did get in a little bit.  Ori and Effie didn't seem to mind the cold water very much.  We powered through a rain storm, tried playing on the beach, then gave up after about 30 minutes.  It was still after 3 when we got off the water.  Since it was our last day we loaded the boat, had it inspected for mussels, and put the cover on.  When we were in the trailer playing games, we had a really good downpour.
The next eventful episode was that Effie, after eating a big dinner for a little girl, ate a handful of Swedish fish.  A little later all everything she ate came back out!  We all took a walk while Nick and Sara cleaned up.  She seemed totally fine after that.
Thursday we headed home.  We stopped for gas and snacks in Wellington.  The plan was to head to Springville for lunch, but just after we left the gas station, I looked over at Roy and asked what the speed limit was.  Everyone was passing us.  He looked kind of out of it.  He started to speed up and then said, "I feel really weird, I don't feel very well."  I instructed him to pull over immediately.  He was so dizzy he couldn't even stand up on his own.  Nick and Jordan (who were following in Nick's car) came and gave him a blessing.  He laid down in the back seat and Caitlyn took over driving.  We were nearly to Price, so I asked Roy if we needed to stop at a hospital.  He said, "I think so."  So, we had a several hour detour to make sure Roy was all right.  We were really worried.  His speech wasn't slurred, but it was slow.  We had to get a wheel chair to take him into the hospital as he was too dizzy to stand.  After several tests to rule out other things, the doctor gave him the diagnosis of Labyrinthitis (inner ear infection).  The doctor said she didn't think it had anything to do with his cold, but everything we read on-line said that it could be caused by a common cold.  As is normal for Roy, he got up Friday morning and went to work for an 8:00 am meeting, then came home around noon to prepare for a camp-out with his Young Men.  He was instructed not to drive as long as he had symptoms, but apparently his dizziness was gone--he just felt like he was hit by a truck.

Pictures from Lake Powell:
Avie in the trailer
Avie on the boat.  She was pretty happy most of the trip.

Jennie and Jordan

Captain Roy eating lunch.


Sara with Effie, Nick with Avie

Nick, Ori and Effie

Avie, Jordan and Jennie

Ori on the playground near the trailers.


Avie, Catharine and Caitlyn.  This was the 3rd day on the boat.
I had dressed appropriately for the temperature

The clouds around the lake were beautiful, even though it indicated rain and cooler weather.

Caitlyn and Effie, avoiding the rain while on the boat.
Jordan, Jennie and Ori

The tube got a little water inside

Catharine and Caitlyn

Roy and Ori

Avie loves ice cream, too!

Saturday night, Dan and Jieun came over and made sushi for Roy, Caitlyn and me (in honor of Mother's Day)  It was Jennie's birthday but she was involved all day with a friend's wedding.  After dinner we all settled on the couch and watched Spiderwick.  Hyeji had asked if we could watch a "Netflix Original" although I don't think she really knows what that means. 

Roy has been pretty wiped out from his "episode" on Thursday.  He still does everything he has to do, but he probably shouldn't.  He stayed home from church and rested, so hopefully he'll be on the mend soon.

We had a wonderful, enjoyable Mother's Day celebrating all the mother's in our family.  I'm so pleased with the choices my daughters have made.  I am so happy they want to be mothers.  Caitlyn made a cake celebrating Mother's Day and all the May birthdays (Sara, Adrienne, Roy and Jennie).  We missed Crista's family and Elise's family today.  Next week I'll have pictures of the Jackson's as we'll be heading to Houston on Thursday for Andy's graduation from Medical school.  

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