Sunday, November 25, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are so blessed with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the wonderful relationships we enjoy.  We had a lot of fun this Thanksgiving with family over for most of Thursday and Friday.  Crista and Caitlyn came down from Logan and stayed for the long weekend, so we had a lot of time to enjoy Ruby and Greta.  We missed the Jackson family, but are looking forward to their visit for Christmas.  Beverly celebrated her first birthday on Thanksgiving Day and we are so grateful to have her in our family! 
Below are some pictures from the holiday.  I forgot to take pictures until the very end of the day.  Caitlyn took more than I did.

Beverly 1 year-old

Andy and Bev

Caitlyn and Greta

Jieun, Dan, Jennie and Mahala (Sara's sister)


Ila and Adrienne

Sara and Avie

Ruby in costume for the holiday

Crista, Doyeon, Dan, Dojin, Ruby and Matt

Caitlyn has joined the collegiate skating team in Logan.  This and finding a new coach up there has kept her skating.  She is taking another skating test next week and she will be performing in Logan next Saturday, and with her team in Bountiful the following weekend.

Before the holiday I had a couple of days to work on sewing.  I am working on a couple of projects:
Yes, I'm a little late for this one, but there's always another Halloween

This  one has taken a lot of time.  I hope I'm happy with it when I finally finish.

Roy and I went to a movie Saturday night.  It was called Free Solo.  It was an interesting documentary about a man who climbs up  mountains/cliffs without ropes.  It was well done and fascinating.  It was interesting to me, however, that all his choices in life have been centered around this sport, to the exclusion of marriage, family, etc.  It seemed like a very selfish and lonely lifestyle to me.  He did have a girlfriend, but he said to her that he felt no obligation to give up his climbing in deference to her.  I am grateful for a church that teaches that the relationships we have with our family is eternal.  I am grateful for a kind and giving husband and all of my wonderful children and grandchildren.  

I forwarded Nan's letter.  In it Nan shares a story of my grandmother that was shared previously in Phil's weekly letter.  Please take a minute to read the story they shared in their letters.

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