Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Happy Occasion

I am so grateful for goodly parents and a wonderful upbringing.  My parents taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ, and they gave me a solid foundation of family that has been a blessing to me throughout my life.  This was reiterated to me this weekend as we celebrated Sarah Christensen's marriage.  I love associating with my siblings and with their children.  It was truly a joyous occasion.  We had a good time at the dinner on Friday night, and again at the wedding and reception  on Saturday.

Me with my beautiful sisters
Pictures are a necessary evil after the wedding ceremony.  We patiently waited for a place on the temple steps--a hot commodity on a Saturday of numerous weddings.  While waiting, we ran into a first cousin, David Salisbury and had a short visit with him.  It was a very hot day, but we managed to find some shade and lots of family to visit with.

Sarah and Paul Roberts
Roy was able to make the wedding and the reception, but he was busy with lots of service this weekend.  He was involved with a ward camp-out with his young single adults on Friday night.  This was held at a mansion up Hobble Creek Canyon.  The Robbins had donated this to the church.  The Robbins' daughter is in Roy's single's ward.  She told him that after serving in South America and seeing how the people lived, her parents decided they had too much, and donated this to the use of  the church.  It is overseen by BYU.  Saturday night Roy was again serving in his capacity as the high councilman over service.  We both went to the activity and served dinner to over 500 young single adults, and then left that activity to join family at the reception for Sarah.

The "Tour of Utah" bike race was going on this week.  They went right by our house on main street.  we walked down the street a few minutes before they went through and watched them ride by.  I thought there would be stragglers, but there weren't.  There were 3 or 4 bikes ahead of everyone, and then everyone else rode in a pack.  They went past us and disappeared in minutes.  It was really kind of cool.

Crista sent me this picture earlier this week.  I asked her if it was safe.  She said, "not really, but Greta finished the ride happy."

This picture was also sent around this week:  I'm guessing lipstick?  Apparently it did not wash off easily.  I hope they didn't use any of the family's suggested methods of removing it.

We had everyone over for dinner this evening.  It was chaotic, but fun, too.  We love our family.

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